on this mentally disturbed individual. Do you think the rhetoric got out of hand on Planned Parenthood?” DONALD TRUMP: “No. I think he's a sick person. And I think he was probably a person ready to go. We don't even know the purpose. I mean, he hasn't come out, to the best of my knowledge, with a statement as to why it happened to be at that location.” TODD: “Well, we have reporting —” TRUMP: “Nobody knows. He lived in a different area.” TODD: “— We have reporting that he was talking about baby parts and things like that from law enforcement officials during his interview.” TRUMP: “Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that think it's terrible, all of the videos that they've seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you're selling parts to a car. I mean, there are a lot of people that are very unhappy about that.” [Meet The Press, NBC, 11/29/15] • Donald Trump Denied That The Heated Rhetoric Surrounding Planned Parenthood Could Have Had An Adverse Effect On A Mentally Disturbed Individual. CHUCK TODD: “Now, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood is concerned that the heated rhetoric around the Planned Parenthood debate could've had an adverse effect, basically, on this mentally disturbed individual. Do you think the rhetoric got out of hand on Planned Parenthood?” DONALD TRUMP: “No. I think he's a sick person.” [Meet The Press, NBC, 11/29/15] EQUAL PAY In Response To A Question Asking How He Would Ensure Equal Pay For Women, Donald Trump Said He Paid Women “More Than Men, For Similar Work Because They Are Better,” But That When The Government Says “‘Everybody Gets Equal Pay’ You Get Away From The Whole American Dream, You Get Away From Capitalism In A Sense.” “You can give the politically correct answer, but you have to let people get out there. I have to tell you, I have a company where I pay women in many cases more than men, for similar work because they are better. But when you start getting involved -- [applause] no, come on, I do it. … Here is the problem. If you start getting involved with government on ‘this one gets this pay and this one gets that pay,’ and you say — where does it all start?’ You could have a woman much better than a man, or you could have a woman that’s not as good as man, and if you sorta say ‘everybody gets equal pay’ you get away from the whole American Dream. You get away from capitalism in a sense. I can tell you, that I have women, honestly that are just, in many cases, they’re better than men and I paid them more than men. And to a certain extent, people have to go out and they have to fight for themselves. I don't know if people agree with me, but once you get where everybody gets the same, I mean you’re into a socialistic society.” [Donald Trump, WHO-TV Iowa Forum, Newton, Iowa, 11/19/15] EMPLOYER-PROVIDED CHILD CARE Donald Trump Said Companies Could “Very Easily” Provide Child Care For Their Employees — "You Need One Person Or Two People, And You Need Some Blocks … You Know, Surely, It's Not Expensive.” “Donald Trump doesn't understand why so few companies provide affordable, in-house child care for their employees like he does at some of his companies. ‘It's not expensive for a company to do it,’ Trump said during a town hall at a community college in this small town on Thursday afternoon. ‘You need one person or two Confidential Page 188

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