Correct The Record Spokeswoman On Use Of Internet Exception To Campaign Finance Laws: “This Exception Has Been Relied Upon Countless Times By Organizations Raising Non-Federal Money. The Only Thing Unique About Correct The Record Is That It Is Making Its Contributors And Expenditures Public.” “‘The FEC rules specifically permit some activity – in particular, activity on an organization’s website, in email, and on social media – to be legally coordinated with candidates and political parties,’ Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for Correct The Record, said in a statement. ‘This exception has been relied upon countless times by organizations raising non-federal money. The only thing unique about Correct the Record is that it is making its contributors and expenditures public.’” [Washington Post, 5/12/15] WHILE FEC RULES STATE THE INTERNET EXEMPTION CAN ONLY BE USED BY UNCOMPENSATED INDIVIDUALS, CORRECT THE RECORD SAID THEY WERE RELYING ON AN EXEMPTION WITHIN THE DEFINITION OF COORDINATED COMMUNICATIONS Washington Post: “FEC Rules Specify That Online Activities Are Exempted From Campaign Finance Rules If They Are Conducted By ‘Uncompensated’ Individuals, Campaign Finance Lawyers Noted. It Is Unclear How Correct The Record, Whose Staff Will Be Paid, Plans To Navigate That Restriction.” “However, the FEC rules specify that online activities are exempted from campaign finance rules if they are conducted by ‘uncompensated’ individuals, campaign finance lawyers noted. It is unclear how Correct the Record, whose staff will be paid, plans to navigate that restriction. ‘The moment anyone is paid to engage in Internet activity it falls outside of that exemption,’ said Jason Torchinsky, an election law attorney who represents many conservative groups. ‘If you are a super PAC paying people and coordinating your activities with the campaign, you are not covered by the individual Internet exemption and are making impermissible in-kind contributions.’” [Washington Post, 5/12/15] Washington Post: “Correct The Record Officials Say They Are Not Relying On The Individual Internet Exemption, But Rather A Related Exemption In The Definition Of Coordinated Communications.” [Washington Post, 5/12/15] A WATCHDOG GROUP WARNED THAT IF CORRECT THE RECORD IS COORDINATING WITH THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN ON POLICY, IT WOULD VIOLATE CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS Democracy 21 President Wertheimer: “If This Entity Is Operating As A Policy Arm Of The Campaign, It Will Be Violating The Coordination Laws If It Raises And Spends Soft Money, Whether Or Not It Runs Ads Or Other Public Communications.” “Fred Wertheimer, president of the advocacy group Democracy 21, said ‘it certainly looks like this new operation will violate the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, which prevents an entity set up by a candidate or acting on behalf of a candidate, from raising or spending unlimited contributions, or soft money.’ ‘In addition, if this entity is operating as a policy arm of the campaign, it will be violating the coordination laws if it raises and spends soft money, whether or not it runs ads or other public communications,’ he added.” [Washington Post, 5/12/15]

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