assess the performance of private prisons and, if necessary, hold them accountable for misconduct.’” [Press Release, Office Of Senator Clinton, 12/10/07] In A Press Release Touting Her Co-Sponsorship Of The Private Prison Information Act Of 2007, Senator Clinton Said There Was A “Lack Of Accountability Into How Tax Dollars Are Being Spent, Which Can Place The Safety Of Correctional Officers, Surrounding Communities, And Prisoners At Risk.” “‘As the federal government continues to contract out the incarceration of federal prisoners, it is essential that there be public disclosure about the operation of these private prisons,’ Senator Clinton said. ‘Right now, the public does not have the same right of access to information about private prisons as it has for federal prisons. There is a lack of accountability into how tax dollars are being spent, which can place the safety of correctional officers, surrounding communities, and prisoners at risk. This legislation will help to ensure that citizens and elected officials can properly assess the performance of private prisons and, if necessary, hold them accountable for misconduct.’” [Press Release, Office Of Senator Clinton, 12/10/07] HILLARY CLINTON PRIVATE PRISON DONATIONS Corrections Corp Of America Has Not Donated To Hillary Clinton. [Opensecrets, accessed 4/28/15] In 2008 Cycle, Geo Group Donated $5,000 To Hillary Clinton. [Opensecrets, accessed 4/28/15]  Hillary Clinton Received Money From GEO. “The list of political hopefuls on the receiving end of GEO's money isn't confined to Florida. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who reopened two private prisons in California, got money; so did Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.” [Palm Beach Post, 5/8/13]

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