 Washington Post: “Clinton Defenders Argue That Hotels That Cater To Well-Heeled Foreign Guests Can Still Buy Local Products And Provide Local Jobs, And Those Guests Are Often Involved In Business Investments Or Aid Projects That Benefit The Neediest Haitians.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15]  Washington Post: Clinton Foundation Donor “O’Brien Said His Hotel Employs 200 Haitians, Is Filled With Locally Purchased Art And Serves Food From Haiti.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15]  Washington Post: Clinton Foundation Donor “O’Brien Leads The Haiti Action Network, A Collection Of Private Businesses That Have Committed Through The Clinton Global Initiative To Spend $500 Million On Projects In Haiti…He And His Company Just Built 150 Schools And Rebuilt Port-Au-Prince’s Historic Iron Market.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: “A 2011 Housing Expo That Cost More Than $2 Million, Including $500,000 From The Clinton Foundation… Has Resulted In Little More Than A Few Dozen Abandoned Model Homes Occupied By Squatters.” “Other Clinton-backed projects have not delivered on lofty promises: A 2011 housing expo that cost more than $2 million, including $500,000 from the Clinton Foundation, was supposed to be a model for thousands of new units but instead has resulted in little more than a few dozen abandoned model homes occupied by squatters.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: A Doctor Leading A Haiti Rural Medical Care Program “Has Received More Than $1.8 Million From The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund…[And] Forged Partnerships At CGI Meetings…For A Variety Of Projects He Said Would Not Have Taken Place Without The Clinton Connection.” “Paul Farmer, a doctor whose Partners in Health has helped provide medical care in rural Haiti since the 1980s and whose health network has received more than $1.8 million from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund for a medical residency program, also praised the Clintons’ work. He said he forged partnerships at CGI meetings with private businesses and other charities for a variety of projects he said would not have taken place without the Clinton connection. He said that by any objective measure, Haiti has been improving, in part because of the Clintons’ efforts.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: A $914,000 Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Program “Has Helped Hundreds Of Haitians Turn Their Informal Street Businesses Into Formal Entities That Keep Records, Pay Taxes And Have Potential For Growth.” “‘I read that Bill Clinton is the most popular politician in America, but he couldn’t get elected mayor in Haiti today,’ said Jacky Lumarque, rector of Quisqueya University, a private school that was damaged in the earthquake and received $914,000 from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to create an entrepreneurship center. Lumarque said the program has helped hundreds of Haitians turn their informal street businesses into formal entities that keep records, pay taxes and have potential for growth. He said it has been a huge success — but stands apart from the usual strategy of foreign groups, including the Clintons, who tend to favor projects imposed by well-meaning foreigners that are more ‘about Haiti’ than ‘for Haiti.’” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: “The Clintons…Were Enthusiastic Backers Of The Caracol Industrial Park,” Built By South Korean Garment Company Sae-A In Haiti, And Secretary Clinton Even Helped Secure Funding When She “Lobbied For The Project With South Korean Officials And Hosted Sae-A Executives In Washington.” “The Clintons also were enthusiastic backers of the Caracol Industrial Park, which was built on 600 acres of farmland just east of ­the port city Cap-Haitien… The Clintons helped Haitian officials identify Sae-A Trading Co., which operates factories across the developing world and sews garments for giants such as Target, Gap and Wal-Mart, as a potential major investor. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, along with top aide Cheryl Mills, lobbied for the project with South Korean officials and hosted Sae-A executives in Washington to press the plan.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: The Clinton-Backed Caracol Industrial Park “Was Expected To Create More Than 60,000 Jobs.” “Landry Colas hugs former president Bill Clinton in 2012 to express his gratitude for the Caracol Industrial Park, one of the largest regional investment projects in Haiti, which was expected to create more than 60,000 jobs.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15]

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