library through interviews and tax records of foundations. Several foreign governments gave at least $1 million, including the Middle Eastern nations of Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the governments of Taiwan and Brunei.” [Washington Post, 12/15/07]  Washington Post: “Kuwait Contributed At Least $1 Million To The Library Of Former President George H.W. Bush, And Taiwan Gave $2 Million To The Ronald Reagan Library.” “Spokesmen for Kuwait and Taiwan confirmed that each government has given the library $1 million. Both governments also donated to other presidential libraries. Kuwait contributed at least $1 million to the library of former president George H.W. Bush, and Taiwan gave $2 million to the Ronald Reagan library.” [Washington Post, 12/15/07]  Washington Post: “A Handful Of Middle Eastern Business Executives And Officials Also Gave At Least $1 Million Each” To The Clinton Library. “In addition, a handful of Middle Eastern business executives and officials also gave at least $1 million each, according to the interviews. They include Saudi businessmen Abdullah al-Dabbagh, Nasser al-Rashid and Walid Juffali, as well as Issam Fares, a U.S. citizen who previously served as deputy prime minister of Lebanon.” [Washington Post, 12/15/07] Washington Post: “[Bill] Clinton Has Also Been Challenged By Members Of Congress For Accepting A Reported $450,000 Donation To His Library From The Former Wife Of Fugitive Financier Marc Rich Before He Granted Rich A Pardon For Tax Evasion In 2001.” [Washington Post, 12/15/07] RIVAL CANDIDATES LIKE BARACK OBAMA POINTED TO THE POSSIBILITY THAT FOUNDATION DONORS WOULD HAVE UNDUE INFLUENCE OVER CLINTON WERE SHE TO WIN THE PRESIDENCY New York Times In 2007: “In Raising Record Sums For Her Campaign, Mrs. Clinton Has Tapped Many Of The Foundation’s Donors,” With At Least Two Dozen “Each Bundling $100,000 Or More.” “In raising record sums for her campaign, Mrs. Clinton has tapped many of the foundation’s donors. At least two dozen have become ‘Hillraisers,’ each bundling $100,000 or more for her presidential bid. The early library donors, combined with their families and political action committees, have contributed at least $784,000 to Mrs. Clinton’s Senate and presidential coffers.” [New York Times, 12/20/07] New York Times: A “$31.3 Million Donation, Which Was Previously Undisclosed, Came From The Radcliffe Foundation Run By Frank Giustra…Who Has Made Millions Financing Mining Deals Around The World.” “The $31.3 million donation, which was previously undisclosed, came from the Radcliffe Foundation run by Frank Giustra, a Canadian who has made millions financing mining deals around the world. Mr. Giustra has become a member of Mr. Clinton’s inner circle, joining him on global trips and lending him the use of his private MD-87 jet.” [New York Times, 12/20/07] New York Times In 2007: “Some Of [Hillary Clinton’s] Rivals Argue That Donors Could Use Presidential Foundations To Circumvent Campaign Finance Laws Intended To Limit Political Influence.” “Now, the secrecy surrounding the William J. Clinton Foundation has become a campaign issue as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton seeks the Democratic presidential nomination with her husband as a prime source of strategy and star power. Some of her rivals argue that donors could use presidential foundations to circumvent campaign finance laws intended to limit political influence.” [New York Times, 12/20/07] Washington Post In 2007: Then-Senator Obama “Made An Issue Of The Large Yet Unidentified Contributors To Presidential Libraries.” “Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has made an issue of the large yet unidentified contributors to presidential libraries, saying that he wants to avoid even the appearance of impropriety in such donations. Obama has introduced legislation that would require disclosure of all contributions to presidential libraries, including Clinton's, and Congress has actively debated such a proposal. Unlike campaign donations, money given to presidential libraries is often done with limited or no disclosure.” [Washington Post, 12/15/07] Commented [SL6]: Will you add more of these headers. Not all of this section is about obama

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