work, a noteworthy 57,000 contributors gave more than once to the Foundation and/or the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund.” [Press Release, Clinton Foundation, 12/18/08] JANUARY 2009: BILL CLINTON AGREES TO A PARTIAL BAN ON FOREIGN DONATIONS TO THE CLINTON FOUNDATION WHILE HILLARY IS SECRETARY OF STATE Associated Press: “President-Elect Barack Obama Made Hillary Clinton's Nomination As Secretary Of State Contingent On Her Husband Revealing The Foundation's Contributors, To Address Questions About Potential Conflicts Of Interest.” [Associated Press, 1/18/09] January 2009: Associated Press: Clinton Foundation Disclosed Its Donors After “A Decade Of Resistance To Identifying Them” And “Did Not Identify Each Contributor's Occupation, Employer Or Nationality.” “The foundation disclosed the names of its 205,000 donors on its Web site Thursday, ending a decade of resistance to identifying them. It released only the names of donors and the range of their contributions. It did not identify each contributor's occupation, employer or nationality or provide any other details. The foundation said separately Thursday that fewer than 3,000 of its donors were foreigners but it did not identify which ones.” [Associated Press, 1/18/09] Associated Press: “Presidents Typically Do Not Release The Names Of Donors To Their Foundations, And…There Also Was No Legal Obligation For Them To Do So.” [Associated Press, 1/18/09] 2009: Wall Street Journal: Bill Clinton “Agreed To The Gift Ban At The Behest Of The Obama Administration, Which Worried About A Secretary Of State’s Husband Raising Millions While She Represented U.S. Interests Abroad.” “In 2009, the Clinton Foundation stopped raising money from foreign governments after Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state. Former President Bill Clinton, who ran the foundation while his wife was at the State Department, agreed to the gift ban at the behest of the Obama administration, which worried about a secretary of state’s husband raising millions while she represented U.S. interests abroad. The ban wasn’t absolute; some foreign government donations were permitted for ongoing programs approved by State Department ethics officials.” [Wall Street Journal, 2/17/15] JANUARY 2011: CLINTON FOUNDATION ANNOUNCED IT HAD PUBLISHED ITS LIST OF DONORS THROUGH 2010 Clinton Foundation: “The William J. Clinton Foundation Today Published Its List Of 2010 Contributors.” [Press Release, Clinton Foundation, 1/1/11] Clinton Foundation: “In 2010, Approximately 17,500 Donors Made Contributions To Support The Work Of The Foundation.” “The Clinton Foundation has received contributions of all sizes, from people of all means. Over the life of the Foundation, the median gift amount has been $50. In 2010, approximately 17,500 donors made contributions to support the work of the Foundation and an additional 102,000 contributors helped support the Foundation’s work in Haiti. Since 1997, 266,000 individuals have made contributions to support and continue the important work of the Clinton Foundation with nearly 90 percent of those contributors making gifts of $250 or less.” [Press Release, Clinton Foundation, 1/1/11] January 2011: “The List Of Contributors Through 2010 Is Published Today On The Foundation’s Website.” [Press Release, Clinton Foundation, 1/1/11] JANUARY 2013: CLINTON FOUNDATION ANNOUNCED IT HAD PUBLISHED ITS LIST OF DONORS THROUGH 2012 January 2013: “The William J. Clinton Foundation Today Updated Its List Of Contributors To Include Contributions Received In 2012.” [Press Release, Clinton Foundation, 1/1/13]

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