Oversight, To Dispense Hundreds Of Millions In The Midst Of Such Destitution.” “The problem with the Clintons in Haiti is that everywhere you go, they are there with the appearance of a conflict of interest. Haiti is unlikely to triumph over its long struggle against corruption when the U.S. government grants a former U.S. president wide power, with little oversight, to dispense hundreds of millions in the midst of such destitution.” [Mary O’Grady column, Wall Street Journal, 3/8/15] …AND THESE CLAIMS WERE REFUTED BY CLINTON FOUNDATION CHAIRMAN BRUCE LINDSEY Clinton Foundation Chairman Bruce Lindsey Op-Ed: “Clinton Foundation Is Helping Haiti.” [Bruce Lindsey, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: Wall Street Journal Columnist O’Grady, In Criticizing Clinton Foundation Work In Haiti, “Ascribe[d] Decision-Making Power To Both President Bill Clinton And Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Where It Never Existed.” “[Wall Street Journal columnist] Mary O’Grady continues to conflate the roles of many rebuilding organizations working in Haiti and continues to ascribe decision-making power to both President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton where it never existed.” [Bruce Lindsey, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: The InterAmerican Development Bank Gave A “Road-Building Contract” To Brazilian Construction Firm OAS SA In 2009, And Both “Happen To Be Among The More Than 300,000 Individuals And Organization That Have Donated To The Clinton Foundation.” “[Mary O’Grady’s] latest piece focuses on a road-building contract granted in 2009 by the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB)—an organization in which neither President Clinton nor Secretary Clinton have ever had any decision-making role or authority whatsoever. But because both the IDB and OAS SA, the Brazilian construction firm that was awarded the contract, happen to be among the more than 300,000 individuals and organizations that have donated to the Clinton Foundation, Ms. O’Grady has dreamt up a conflict of interest that simply does not exist.” [Bruce Lindsey, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15]  Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: “Neither President Clinton Nor Secretary Clinton Have Ever Had Any Decision-Making Role Or Authority Whatsoever” Over The IDB, And So O’Grady “Has Dreamt Up A Conflict Of Interest That Simply Does Not Exist.” “[Mary O’Grady’s] latest piece focuses on a road-building contract granted in 2009 by the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB)—an organization in which neither President Clinton nor Secretary Clinton have ever had any decision-making role or authority whatsoever. But because both the IDB and OAS SA, the Brazilian construction firm that was awarded the contract, happen to be among the more than 300,000 individuals and organizations that have donated to the Clinton Foundation, Ms. O’Grady has dreamt up a conflict of interest that simply does not exist.” [Bruce Lindsey, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: “The Clinton Foundation Has Received Only One Donation From That OAS, In 2013, For The Very Specific Purpose Of Sponsoring A Clinton Global Initiative Meeting In The Firm’s Home Country, Brazil.” [Bruce Lindsey, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: “Although The IDB Has Been A Longtime Supporter Of The CGI, President Clinton, Secretary Clinton And The Clinton Foundation Have Never Been Involved In The Contract Between OAS And The IDB.” [Bruce Lindsey, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: “The Clinton Foundation’s Efforts Are Lifting Lives, Improving Incomes And Creating Sustainable Economic Growth In Haiti.” [Bruce Lindsey, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] CLINTON FOUNDATION AND POSITIVE OUTCOMES

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