is on schedule and continues to expand…Residents of the plant’s housing project say their land floods when it rains, and few said they think the plant will ever create the number of jobs originally promised…Each morning, crowds line up outside the park’s big front gate, which is guarded by four men in crisp khaki uniforms carrying shotguns. They wait in a sliver of shade next to a cinder-block wall, many holding résumés in envelopes. Most said they have been coming every day for months, waiting for jobs that pay about $5 a day.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] SOME OF CRITICIZED CLINTON HAITI INITIATIVES FOR A LACK OF FOCUS ON HAITI’S WORST-OFF CITIZENS… Washington Post: Some Of The Most High-Profile Clinton Projects, “Including A Just-Opened Marriott, Another Luxury Hotel And The Industrial Park…Have Helped Foreign Investors And Haiti’s Wealthy Elites More Than Its Poor.” “Nevertheless, the Clintons are facing a growing backlash that too little has been accomplished in the past five years and that some of the most high-profile projects they have backed — including a just-opened Marriott, another luxury hotel and the industrial park — have helped foreign investors and Haiti’s wealthy elites more than its poor.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: “In January, Haitian Expatriates Picketed The Clinton Foundation’s New York Headquarters, Demanding To Know Why More Progress Has Not Been Made With The Billions In International Aid Pledged After The Quake.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: “Haitians Increasingly Complain That The Clintons’ Most Ambitious Plans Are Disconnected From The Realities Of Most People In The Poorest Country In The Western Hemisphere.” “But as the initial emergency response has evolved into efforts to ensure Haiti’s long-term development, Haitians increasingly complain that the Clintons’ most ambitious plans are disconnected from the realities of most people in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15]  Washington Post: The Separate But Foundation-Supported “Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Invested More Than $2 Million In The Royal Oasis Hotel, Where A Sleek Suite With Hardwood Floors Costs More Than $200 A Night And The Shops Sell $150 Designer Purses.” “For instance, the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund invested more than $2 million in the Royal Oasis hotel, where a sleek suite with hardwood floors costs more than $200 a night and the shops sell $150 designer purses and $120 men’s dress shirts. One recent afternoon, the hotel appeared largely empty, and with tourism hardly booming five years after the quake, locals fear it may be failing.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] WHILE OTHERS HAVE POINTED TO REAL PROGRESS IN CLINTON-BACKED PROGRAMS TO CREATE JOBS, BUILD SCHOOLS, AND START HAITIAN BUSINESS Washington Post: “Bill Clinton…Introduced Marriott Officials To Denis O’Brien, An Irish Telecom Billionaire Who Has Contributed Millions To The Clinton Foundation,” Though “No Clinton Money Was Invested” In The Resultant $45 Million Port-Au-Prince Hotel. “Bill Clinton also introduced Marriott officials to Denis O’Brien, an Irish telecom billionaire who has contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation. The result is a $45 million Marriott hotel that opened this month in central Port-au-Prince. O’Brien said no Clinton money was invested in the project. The ultra-modern hotel is adjacent to the headquarters of Digicel, a communications giant owned by O’Brien. When The Post visited recently, many, if not most, guests seemed to be foreign businessmen connected to Digicel.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: “Clinton Defenders Argue That Hotels That Cater To Well-Heeled Foreign Guests Can Still Buy Local Products And Provide Local Jobs, And Those Guests Are Often Involved In Business Investments Or Aid Projects That Benefit The Neediest Haitians.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15] Washington Post: Clinton Foundation Donor “O’Brien Said His Hotel Employs 200 Haitians, Is Filled With Locally Purchased Art And Serves Food From Haiti.” [Washington Post, 3/20/15]

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