…CLINTON FOUNDATION ADMITTED IT DID NOT FOLLOW THE APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES WHEN IT ACCEPTED A 2010 DONATION FROM THE ALGERIAN GOVERNMENT February 2015: CNN: Clinton Foundation Admitted “That A 2010 Donation From The Algerian Government Was Not Properly Approved Under The Guidelines The Obama Administration Put In Place…When Hillary Clinton Became Secretary Of State.” “The Clinton Foundation admitted Thursday that a 2010 donation from the Algerian government was not properly approved under the guidelines the Obama administration put in place with the foundation when Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State in 2009. The ‘unsolicited’ $500,000 donation was made by the Embassy of Algeria ‘immediately following the devastating earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010,’ the Clinton foundation said in an unsigned statement.” [CNN, 2/26/15] …CLINTON FOUNDATION APPEARED TO RELEASE IRS 990 FORMS FOR YEARS 1998-2002 WITHOUT ANNOUNCEMENT WHAT WE DON’T KNOW Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strassel: “How Much Of These Employees’ Salaries, How Much Of Mrs. Clinton’s Travel, Was Funded By The Saudis? Or The United Arab Emirates, Or Oman, Or Any Of The Other Foreign Nations[?]” How much of these employees’ salaries, how much of Mrs. Clinton’s travel, was funded by the Saudis? Or the United Arab Emirates, or Oman, or any of the other foreign nations that The Wall Street Journal Tuesday reported have given millions to the foundation this past year? How many voters has Mrs. Clinton wooed, how many potential donors has she primed, how many influential people has she recruited for her campaign via the Clinton Foundation?” [Kimberley A. Strassel, Wall Street Journal, 2/19/15] July 2014: Nonprofit Quarterly: Journalists Had “Been Unable To Get Hillary Clinton To Provide Documentation Attesting To The Donation Of Her Speaking Fees To The Foundation.” “ABC reports, however, that it has been unable to get Hillary Clinton to provide documentation attesting to the donation of her speaking fees to the foundation. A review of the Clinton Foundation’s Form 990s for several of the past years reveals no disclosure of the names of major donors and therefore no information as to whether Hillary Clinton (or Bill Clinton, for that matter) has been donating speaking fees to their philanthropy. However, Hillary Clinton’s commitment to donate the speaking fees may be a decision of somewhat recent vintage, to be revealed in future 990s.” [Nonprofit Quarterly, 7/11/14] America Rising Called For Release Of “A Full List Of Foundation Staff Or Paid Consultants Who Have Previously Worked As Staff Or Paid Consultants To…Staffs Or Organizations Run By The Clintons Or The Democratic Party.” “A full list of foundation staff or paid consultants who have previously worked as staff or paid consultants to the following staffs or organizations run by the Clintons or the Democratic party: The State Department…The White House…The Obama For America 2012 Campaign…The Democratic National Committee…Hillary Clinton’s Senate Office…Political staff at the White House and executive agencies.” [America Rising, accessed 2/27/15] America Rising Called For Release Of “All Travel Expenditures Taken By Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Or Chelsea Clinton That Were Billed To The Clinton Foundation.” “All travel expenditures taken by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, or Chelsea Clinton that were billed to the Clinton Foundation, including private air travel, lodging, ground travel, security, food and entertainment and other related expenses during 2013-14.” [America Rising, accessed 2/27/15] 990 FOUNDATION NOTE In Early 2015, The Clinton Foundation Made Its IRS 990 Forms For 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, And 2002 Available On Its “Annual & Financial Reports” Section Of Its Web Page, Which Was In

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