Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: “Although The IDB Has Been A Longtime Supporter Of The CGI, President Clinton, Secretary Clinton And The Clinton Foundation Have Never Been Involved In The Contract Between OAS And The IDB.” [Bruce Lindsey op-ed, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] Clinton Foundation Chairman Lindsey: “The Clinton Foundation’s Efforts Are Lifting Lives, Improving Incomes And Creating Sustainable Economic Growth In Haiti.” [Bruce Lindsey op-ed, Wall Street Journal, 3/25/15] CLINTON FOUNDATION AND POSITIVE OUTCOMES AS THE CLINTON FOUNDATION CAME UNDER INCREASING FIRE FOR FOREIGN DONATIONS, FOUNDATION OFFICIALS PROMOTED POSITIVE OUTCOMES FROM PARTNERSHIPS THROUGH ITS GLOBAL INITIATIVE Clinton Foundation: “Since CGI Was Created In 2005, CGI Members Have Made Nearly 3,200 Commitments To Improve More Than 430 Million Lives In 180 Countries.” “Here are the facts: since CGI was created in 2005, CGI members have made nearly 3,200 commitments to improve more than 430 million lives in 180 countries. These commitments are helping address issues such as climate change, economic development, global health, access to education, and the empowerment of women and girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton Foundation: As Part Of A CGI Commitment, “Procter & Gamble Has Provided 7.5 Billion Liters Of Clean Water At No Cost To Those Who Need It Most In More Than 70 Countries Worldwide.” “Several commitments by Procter & Gamble to provide safe drinking water to millions in need of clean water, by scaling up production of clean water packets and distribute them with the help of NGOs around the world. So far, Procter & Gamble has provided 7.5 billion liters of clean water at no cost to those who need it most in more than 70 countries worldwide.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton Foundation: As Part Of A CGI Commitment, “The Inter-American Development Bank…Is Projected To Help 500,000 Disadvantaged Youth Enter The Workforce Over The Next Five Years…More Than Half Of These Will Be Women And Girls.” “The Inter-American Development Bank is working with corporate partners, including Microsoft, Caterpillar, and Walmart to implement an employment program across ten Latin American countries. This work began a year ago and is projected to help 500,000 disadvantaged youth enter the workforce over the next five years. More than half of these will be women and girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton Foundation: A Commitment By “The UTeach Institute…With ExxonMobil, The Carnegie Corporation Of New York, And UT Austin…Is Projected To Produce 10,000 STEM Teachers From 34 Universities By 2020.” “The UTeach Institute has partnered with ExxonMobil, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and UT Austin to educate STEM teachers. This commitment is projected to produce 10,000 STEM teachers from 34 universities by 2020, and it is expanding to ten additional universities with support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton Foundation: “Nike Made A CGI Commitment To Create And Fund The Coalition For Adolescent Girls (CAG), A Group That Brings Together International Organizations To Invest In Girls To Promote Their Social And Economic Development.” “Nike made a CGI commitment to create and fund the Coalition for Adolescent Girls (CAG), a group that brings together international organizations to invest in girls to promote their social and economic development. Since its creation, over 50 organizations have come together to bring their perspectives and resources to bear on a variety of issues. CAG members have launched programs that promote education and literacy, provide vocational training, and prevent teenage pregnancy.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] THE CLINTON FOUNDATION SPENDS TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS EACH YEAR ON DIRECT PROGRAM EXPENDITURES

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