CLINTON HEALTH ACCESS INITIATIVE AND DONORS THE CLINTON HEALTH ACCESS INITIATIVE DID NOT DISCLOSE DONORS OR SUBMIT FOREIGN DONATIONS FOR STATE DEPARTMENT REVIEW WHILE HILLARY CLINTON WAS SECRETARY OF STATE DESPITE BEING BOUND BY A DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT WITH THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HEADLINE: “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Reuters: The Clinton Foundation’s “Flagship Health Program, Which Spends More Than All Of The Other Foundation Initiatives Put Together, Stopped Making The Annual Disclosure In 2010.” “At the outset, the Clinton Foundation did indeed publish what they said was a complete list of the names of more than 200,000 donors and has continued to update it. But in a breach of the pledge, the charity's flagship health program, which spends more than all of the other foundation initiatives put together, stopped making the annual disclosure in 2010, Reuters has found.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Reuters: “Officials At The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) And The Foundation Confirmed No Complete List Of Donors To The Clintons' Charities Has Been Published Since 2010…[When] CHAI Was Spun Off As A Separate Legal Entity.” “In response to questions from Reuters, officials at the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and the foundation confirmed no complete list of donors to the Clintons' charities has been published since 2010. CHAI was spun off as a separate legal entity that year, but the officials acknowledged it still remains subject to the same disclosure agreement as the foundation.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Reuters: “None Of The Seven Government Donations” Made By Foreign Countries To The Clinton Health Access Initiative Were “Submitted To The State Department For Review.” “The State Department said it was unable to cite any instances of its officials reviewing or approving new money from any foreign governments. Daley confirmed that none of the seven government donations had been submitted to the State Department for review.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Reuters: “CHAI Should Have Told The State Department Before Accepting Donations Totaling $340,000 From Switzerland's Agency For Development And Cooperation In 2011 And 2012,” But Did Not. “By the time Clinton left office in February 2013, the charity had received millions of dollars (Graphic: in new or increased payments from at least seven foreign governments. Five of the governments came on board during her tenure as secretary of state while two doubled or tripled their support in that time, according to data provided by CHAI spokeswoman Daley…CHAI should have told the State Department before accepting donations totaling $340,000 from Switzerland's Agency for Development and Cooperation in 2011 and 2012. However, it did not believe U.S. authorities needed to review the other six governments, including Britain and Australia, she said, citing various reasons.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Reuters: The Clinton Foundation’s Online Donor List “Has Not Included Those Who Donated Just To CHAI Since The Initiative Was Spun Off In 2010.” “Since it was published in 2008, the foundation's online donor list has been updated annually, naming everyone from individuals giving a few dollars to governments awarding eight-figure grants, the foundation said. It has been pored over by interest groups, the Clintons' political opponents, and the media. The foundation list has not included those who donated just to CHAI since the initiative was spun off in 2010, foundation spokesman Craig Minassian said. Minassian said the foundation believed CHAI continued to be bound by the agreement with the Obama administration.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Reuters: The Clinton Foundation “Believed CHAI Continued To Be Bound By The Agreement With The Obama Administration” Made In 2009 To Disclose Donors. [Reuters, 3/19/15]

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