State Department, And Teneo Concurrently. “Ms. Abedin, 37, a confidante of Mrs. Clinton’s, was made a “special government employee” in June 2012. That allowed her to continue her employment at State but also work for Teneo, a consulting firm, founded in part by a former aide to President Bill Clinton, that has a number of corporate clients, including Coca-Cola. In addition, Ms. Abedin worked privately for the Clinton Foundation and for Mrs. Clinton personally…The State Department has declined to say what role Mrs. Clinton played in approving the arrangement.” [New York Times, 8/9/13] New York Times: “Abedin Has Not Disclosed How Much She Was Paid By Teneo, The Clinton Foundation Or Mrs. Clinton” During A Period In Which She Worked For All Three Entities. “Ms. Abedin, 37, a confidante of Mrs. Clinton’s, was made a “special government employee” in June 2012. That allowed her to continue her employment at State but also work for Teneo, a consulting firm, founded in part by a former aide to President Bill Clinton, that has a number of corporate clients, including Coca- Cola. In addition, Ms. Abedin worked privately for the Clinton Foundation and for Mrs. Clinton personally…Ms. Abedin has not disclosed how much she was paid by Teneo, the Clinton Foundation or Mrs. Clinton during this period.” [New York Times, 8/9/13]  New York Times: Grassley Sought Information On “Who In The Department Specifically Authorized The Arrangement For Ms. Abedin; Who In The Department Was Aware Of Her Outside Consulting Activities; Copies Of Contracts Ms. Abedin Signed With Private Clients; And The Amount She Earned From Those Contracts.” “Aides to Senator Charles E. Grassley, a Republican of Iowa who has led an inquiry into the matter, say they have faced obstacles in efforts to gather certain information about Ms. Abedin’s arrangement and about the rules the State Department applies in approving such arrangements. The questions Mr. Grassley and his staff are still seeking answers to include: who in the department specifically authorized the arrangement for Ms. Abedin; who in the department was aware of her outside consulting activities; copies of contracts Ms. Abedin signed with private clients; and the amount she earned from those contracts.” [New York Times, 8/9/13]

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