Clinton email release 1 react bullets

Washington Examiner: “Hillary Clinton Extended Warm Welcomes To Executives From Companies That Had Donated To The Clinton Foundation… Many Of Which Were Lobbying The State Department At The Same Time.” “Hillary Clinton extended warm welcomes to executives from companies that had donated to the Clinton Foundation, new emails from her first year as secretary show. Her frequent interactions with firms that had given generously to her family philanthropy — many of which were lobbying the State Department at the same time — raise questions about whether she used her diplomatic perch to help certain companies get ahead.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: “In September Of 2009, Clinton Asked Aides To Help The Blackstone Group Secure A Requested Visa… Clinton Indicated In The Email That Several Blackstone Executives Had Approached Her Chief Of Staff, Cheryl Mills, To Inquire About The Visa.” “For example, in September of 2009, Clinton asked aides to help the Blackstone Group secure a requested visa. Blackstone donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation, donor records show. Clinton indicated in the email that several Blackstone executives had approached her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, to inquire about the visa.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]  Washington Examiner: “Blackstone Donated Between $250,000 And $500,000 To The Clinton Foundation.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: “Clinton Pressed Aides About Helping Another Foundation Donor, Honeywell, Increase Its Sales By Easing Export Controls That ‘Interfere’ With Profits. She Noted David Cote, The CEO Of Honeywell, Had Personally Requested Assistance.” “In the same message, Clinton pressed aides about helping another foundation donor, Honeywell, increase its sales by easing export controls that ‘interfere’ with profits. She noted David Cote, the CEO of Honeywell, had personally requested assistance, but the exact favor he asked of Clinton was redacted by the State Department.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]  Washington Examiner: “Honeywell Not Only Gave To The Clinton Foundation And Officially Lobbied The State Department, It Contributed Heavily To A Political Project Dear To The Secretary: The U.S. Pavilion At The 2010 World's Fair In Shanghai.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: “Clinton Welcomed Intelligence On The Chinese Economy From A Top Executive At Morgan Stanley” Before A Meeting Of The Strategic And Economic Dialogue. “Clinton welcomed intelligence on the Chinese economy from a top executive at Morgan Stanley, another Clinton Foundation donor, in July of [2009]. ‘Delighted to hear from and about you,’ Clinton wrote to Stephen Roach, chair of Morgan Stanley Asia, in response to his lengthy memo on China's economic struggles. ‘Your timing is impeccable since I will be co-chairing w Tim Geithner [then Treasury Secretary] the first Strategic and Economic Dialogue w the Chinese on July 27-28 in DC. So if you have any thoughts you want to share before our meeting, pls pass them on,’ she added. The secretary told Roach she was ‘looking forward’ to meeting him when he was in Washington, D.C.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]  Washington Examiner: “Morgan Stanley Has Donated Between $100,000 And $500,000 To The Clinton Foundation.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: When Cisco Executive David Stone, Recently Put In Charge Of Asia, The Middle East, And Africa, Asked Clinton For A Meeting, She “Demanded Stone Be Put On Her Schedule For A Meeting.” “Clinton received a note in April from Dave Stone, who had recently accepted a senior position at Cisco that would give him authority over Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Stone asked to meet with Clinton about his new role, which he described as promoting ‘the use of the Network to improve the quality of life of Millions of people in areas such as Education, Health Care and Security.’ Clinton forwarded the message from what appears to be a private email address she used as a senator to one of her aides and demanded Stone be put on her schedule for a meeting.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]

 Washington Examiner: “Cisco Has Donated Between $1 Million And $5 Million To The Clinton Foundation.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]  Washington Examiner: After Cisco Executive David Stone Met With Secretary Clinton, Cisco “Was Nominated That Same Year For A Prestigious State Department Award…For Its Work In Lebanon, Which Fell Under Stone's Purview. Cisco Won The Award The Next Year.” “The Silicon Valley giant was nominated that same year for a prestigious State Department award, the Secretary's Award for Corporate Excellence, for its work in Lebanon, which fell under Stone's purview. Cisco won the award the next year.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: “Jake Sullivan, Clinton's Deputy Chief Of Staff, Signed Off On Security Clearances For Top Boeing Executive Stanley Roth So He Could Travel With A Presidential Delegation To Mongolia.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]  Washington Examiner: “Boeing Has Donated Between $1 Million And $5 Million To The Clinton Foundation, Including A $900,000 Contribution Given Shortly After Clinton Lobbied The Russian Government To Award The Aerospace Conglomerate A Lucrative Contract.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]  Washington Examiner: “Boeing's Relationship With The State Department Fell Under Scrutiny Earlier This Year When Multiple News Outlets Noted That The Perks It Received From The State Department Lined Up Neatly With The Firm's Financial Support Of Clinton Causes.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: After A “$5 Million Donation From Chevron To The U.S. Pavilion At The 2010 World's Fair In Shanghai,” A State Department Representative Credited Clinton For Securing The Donation And Wondered If The Effort Would ‘Entice The Press To Do A Story Now On Her Leadership.’” “Elizabeth Bagley, Clinton's special representative for global partnerships, touted a $5 million donation from Chevron to the U.S. pavilion at the 2010 World's Fair in Shanghai in a July email. Bagley credited Clinton for securing the donation and wondered if the effort would ‘entice the press to do a story now on her leadership.’” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: “Chevron Was Also A Major Clinton Foundation Donor, Giving Between $500,000 And $1 Million To The Charity.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15] Washington Examiner: When Chevron Donated To The U.S. Pavilion At The World’s Fair, The Company Had Several Interests Before The [State Department]…Including A Potentially Devastating Environmental Case In Ecuador And Chevron's Reported Push To Secure Fracking Concessions Around The Globe.” “The oil giant's interactions with the State Department under Clinton went far beyond its sponsorship of the Shanghai pavilion, which was a priority of Clinton's during her first years as secretary. She and her aides tapped the same corporate donor network that has kept the foundation alive to sponsor the pavilion. Chevron spent $20.8 million on lobbying in 2009 alone, including on its efforts to lobby the State Department. The company had several interests before the agency at the time, including a potentially devastating environmental case in Ecuador and Chevron's reported push to secure fracking concessions around the globe.” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/15]