1 Ready to Work MEASUREMENT MATTERS Measurement Matters—Report Cards in New Jersey Measure and evaluate employment New Jersey has a “consumer report card” website called and earnings outcomes. Knowing the New Jersey Training Opportunities that provides information results of individual job-driven on occupational training programs in the state. A results training programs – how many section displays information about former program people are hired and stay employed, participants. It shows employment rates, retention rates, and how much they earn – is and average earnings at six months, one year, and two essential both for job seekers to years after graduation. New Jersey’s state laws require choose training wisely and for training programs at for-profit, public two-year, and some public four-year schools that receive state or federal programs to continuously improve workforce funding to submit records to the state for all of results. Agencies should measure their students, and recently required for-profit schools to outcomes, disaggregate the data to submit student records and disseminate results through a be sure all participants are well state website. served, evaluate programs, and inform participants and employers of the results. STEPPING STONES Virginia Peninsula Career Pathways Promote a seamless progression The Virginia Peninsula Career Pathways initiative is meeting from one educational stepping stone to another, and across work-based manufacturers’ workforce needs by engaging a consortium training and education, so of 14 major employers, along with the local workforce individuals’ efforts result in progress. investment board, labor unions, community colleges, and Individuals should have the six school districts, among other partners. Based on in- depth interviews with employers, the initiative developed 11 opportunity to progress in their career pathway profiles representing more than 11,000 careers by obtaining new training jobs in advanced and precision manufacturing technologies and credentials. Job-driven training on the Virginia Peninsula, and documenting necessary programs should make it easy for educational levels, credentials, and work experience individuals to transition from one requirements. The initiative takes workers where they are post-secondary program to another, and helps them progress from essential skills and basic including Registered Apprenticeship education to classroom and on-the-job training resulting in and occupational training programs, credentials and leading to employment and continual on- the-job skills upgrades and advancement, including through and from basic education programs Registered Apprenticeships. into post-secondary programs. OPENING DOORS Break down barriers to accessing job-driven training and hiring for any American who is willing and able to work, including access to job supports and relevant guidance. In order for training programs to work, they need to be accessible for the people who need them most. Job-driven training programs should provide access to needed supportive services such as transportation, child care, and financial and benefits counseling. Programs also should provide accommodations for persons with disabilities (including supported employment services where needed) in order to allow all individuals to benefit from these opportunities. 9
Biden Ready to Work White Paper 7/22/14 Page 8 Page 10