 Rand Paul hit the State Department for lack of preparedness and resources for Benghazi, as well as Secretary Clinton’s role.  Chris Christie said he was more transparent around Bridgegate than Secretary Clinton was on Benghazi.  Carly Fiorina said she was “getting to” Secretary Clinton and there was evidence in the fact that the Clinton campaign would push back on things they shouldn’t.  Rand Paul said he was leading Secretary Clinton in polls.  Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush hit Secretary Clinton for implying that people had to change their religious views when it came to issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.  Jeb Bush and Rand Paul criticized Secretary Clinton for thinking that big government was always the answer to problems.  Rand Paul said Secretary Clinton could not run on women’s rights because she accepted money from Saudi Arabia, where a woman was raped and then whipped by the government for it, and said the money should be returned.  Jeb Bush hit Secretary Clinton for saying she would not engage in hypotheticals over a King v Burwell ruling.  Rand Paul questioned how Secretary Clinton would help the working class.  Jeb Bush criticized Clinton and Obama for a military drawdown.  Jeb Bush criticized Clinton and Obama for a slow economic recovery, debt increases, a massive tax increase on the middle class, and the buildup of the regulatory state.  Scott Walker criticized opposition to voter ID and called a plan to overrule them “unlawful.”  Carly Fiorina said that Secretary Clinton’s energy policies would raise energy bills for the middle class.  Mike Huckabee said Secretary Clinton’s panels were made up of a “rent-a-crowd.”  Bobby Jindal hit Secretary Clinton for supporting same-sex marriage.  Donald Trump lashed out at Secretary Clinton for “blaming” him for the shooting in Charleston.  Ben Carson said he disagreed with the tone Clinton and Obama took on the Charleston shooting.  Chris Christie said that the NEA and AFT would be the largest donors to Secretary Clinton and get in return “union control of the education system.”

Attacks on Clinton 6/19/15 Summary - Page 2 Attacks on Clinton 6/19/15 Summary Page 1