 Scott Walker and Rand Paul criticized Clinton for her private email use, while Chris Christie said her deleting private emails was much worse than him deleting text messages surrounding the Bridgegate controversy.  Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush said Benghazi would continue to be an issue without directly criticizing Clinton over specific aspects of it.  Rand Paul hit the State Department for lack of preparedness and resources for Benghazi, as well as Secretary Clinton’s role.  Chris Christie said he was more transparent around Bridgegate than Secretary Clinton was on Benghazi.  Carly Fiorina said she was “getting to” Secretary Clinton and there was evidence in the fact that the Clinton campaign would push back on things they shouldn’t.  Rand Paul said he was leading Secretary Clinton in polls.  Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush hit Secretary Clinton for implying that people had to change their religious views when it came to issues like abortion and same-sex marriage.  Jeb Bush and Rand Paul criticized Secretary Clinton for thinking that big government was always the answer to problems.  Rand Paul said Secretary Clinton could not run on women’s rights because she accepted money from Saudi Arabia, where a woman was raped and then whipped by the government for it, and said the money should be returned.  Jeb Bush hit Secretary Clinton for saying she would not engage in hypotheticals over a King v Burwell ruling.  Rand Paul questioned how Secretary Clinton would help the working class.  Jeb Bush criticized Clinton and Obama for a military drawdown.  Jeb Bush criticized Clinton and Obama for a slow economic recovery, debt increases, a massive tax increase on the middle class, and the buildup of the regulatory state.  Scott Walker criticized opposition to voter ID and called a plan to overrule them “unlawful.”  Carly Fiorina said that Secretary Clinton’s energy policies would raise energy bills for the middle class.  Mike Huckabee said Secretary Clinton’s panels were made up of a “rent-a-crowd.”  Bobby Jindal hit Secretary Clinton for supporting same-sex marriage.  Donald Trump lashed out at Secretary Clinton for “blaming” him for the shooting in Charleston.  Ben Carson said he disagreed with the tone Clinton and Obama took on the Charleston shooting.  Chris Christie said that the NEA and AFT would be the largest donors to Secretary Clinton and get in return “union control of the education system.” Foreign Policy Gov. Chris Christie, NE GOP Leadership Conference 6/19/15 Video: here [middle] President's pivot to Asia has been as successful as HRC's reset button with Russia Gov. Mike Huckabee, 6/18/15 From: "Digital Team, Huckabee for President" Date: June 18, 2015 at 2:27:42 PM EDT To: Subject: UPDATE: Hillary Clinton

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