The Rope-A-Dope On You.” “I tell Bush that Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, in an interview with me on Sunday, declined to talk in ‘hypotheticals’ about what she'd do if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act exchanges in 34 states, leaving millions without health insurance. ‘Look, it's not a hypothetical,’ Bush answers. ‘The court's going to rule in two weeks. She's doing the rope-a-dope on you.’” [Des Moines Register, 6/18/15] Middle Class Rand Paul Said His Tax Plan Would Cut Payroll Taxes, Which Showed He Had Something To Offer The Working Class And Questioned How Hillary Clinton Was Going To Help The Working Class. “In an interview, Mr. Paul said the most distinctive element of his plan compared with other flat-tax proposals is the idea of repealing the payroll taxes on workers that are used to fund Social Security and Medicare, leaving more money in workers’ pockets. ‘It shows that we have something we can offer to the working class,’ he said. ‘The question we have for Hillary Clinton is: How are you going to help the working class?’” [Wall Street Journal, 6/17/15] Military Spending Jeb Bush Argued Hillary Clinton And President Obama Were “Responsible For The Slowest Economic Recovery Ever, The Biggest Debt Increases Ever, A Massive Tax Increase On The Middle Class, The Relentless Buildup Of The Regulatory State, And The Swift, Mindless Drawdown Of A Military That Was Generations In The Making.” “And he suggested Hillary Clinton was the heir to legacy — an ideological one that, he said, has resulted in failure. ‘The party now in the White House is planning a no-suspense primary, for a no-change election. To hold onto power. To slog on with the same agenda under another name: That’s our opponents’ call to action this time around. That’s all they’ve got left,’ he said. ‘They have offered a progressive agenda that includes everything but progress. They are responsible for the slowest economic recovery ever, the biggest debt increases ever, a massive tax increase on the middle class, the relentless buildup of the regulatory state, and the swift, mindless drawdown of a military that was generations in the making.’” [Politico, 6/15/15] Economy Jeb Bush Argued Hillary Clinton And President Obama Were “Responsible For The Slowest Economic Recovery Ever, The Biggest Debt Increases Ever, A Massive Tax Increase On The Middle Class, The Relentless Buildup Of The Regulatory State, And The Swift, Mindless Drawdown Of A Military That Was Generations In The Making.” “And he suggested Hillary Clinton was the heir to legacy — an ideological one that, he said, has resulted in failure. ‘The party now in the White House is planning a no-suspense primary, for a no-change election. To hold onto power. To slog on with the same agenda under another name: That’s our opponents’ call to action this time around. That’s all they’ve got left,’ he said. ‘They have offered a progressive agenda that includes everything but progress. They are responsible for the slowest economic recovery ever, the biggest debt increases ever, a massive tax increase on the middle class, the relentless buildup of the regulatory state, and the swift, mindless drawdown of a military that was generations in the making.’” [Politico, 6/15/15] Voting Rights Scott Walker: “.@HillaryClinton Wants To Roll Back Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law. Stand Up And Say NO  –STAFF” [Twitter, @ScottWalker, 6/15/15] Scott Walker: “MUST READ: ‘@HillaryClinton’s Unlawful Plan To Overrule Voter-ID Laws’ –STAFF” [Twitter, @ScottWalker, 6/15/15] Scott Walker: “Show Your Support For Common-Sense Voter ID Laws. Add Your Name: –STAFF” [Twitter, @ScottWalker, 6/15/15]

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