“Rubio's call for regime change circulated on Capitol Hill while the United States was handing off command of the air campaign to NATO and Defense Secretary Robert Gates was reiterating that the U.S. would not commit ground troops to Libya. Gates also said he would like to see any assistance to anti-Gadhafi rebels come from nations other than the U.S. ‘The question of what kind of assistance to provide to the opposition is clearly the next step in terms of non-lethal or weapons,’ Gates told the House Armed Services Committee. ‘All the members of the coalition are thinking about that at this point, but as with our government, no decisions have been made.’ … Rubio's letter does not address whether ground forces would be needed to remove Gadhafi. A Rubio spokesman said the president should have discretion on how to achieve that goal.” [Palm Beach Post, 4/1/11] Rubio Said Leaving Gadhafi In Power Was Not An Option. “Criticizing Mr. Obama for publicly restricting the U.S. intervention to air assaults only, the freshman senator said, ‘I don't think you go into a military engagement saying what you will not do.’ Mr. Rubio said that whatever missteps have been made, leaving Col. Moammar Gadhafi in power was not an option. ‘Look, the stated goal of this engagement is to protect civilians and prevent genocide,’ he said. ‘As long as Gadhafi is in power, you can't protect civilians or prevent genocide.’” [The Washington Times, 4/4/11] Rubio Said He Did Not Want To See Ghadafi Survive. “Instead of complaining about the cost of attacking Khadafy, he urged Congress to take stronger action. ‘If he survives, it is fair to say he will probably be upset,’ Rubio said of Khadafy. ‘It's important that he not survive.’” [Boston Globe, 4/1/11] Rubio Said Congress Should Go Beyond President Obama’s State Goals In Libya And Authorize The Removal Of Gadhafi. “While many Republicans have questioned U.S. military strikes in Libya and the Obama administration has emphasized limits on America's role, freshman GOP Sen. Marco Rubio says Congress should go beyond President Obama's stated goals and authorize the removal of Moammar Gadhafi.” [Palm Beach Post, 4/1/11] JUNE 2011: RUBIO PUSHED FOR THE REMOVAL OF GADHAFI IN LIBYA Rubio Pushed To Remove Gadhafi From Power In Libya: “Whether You Agree With It Or Not, The United States Is Engaged In A Fight. And It Is A Fight That Only Has Two Possible Endings. It Can End With The Fall Of A Brutal, Criminal, Anti-American Dictator. Or It Could End In The Dictator's Victory Over Our Allies And Us. I Would Suggest That, Given These Two Choices, The Best Choice For America Is The First One, The Fall Of The Anti- American Dictator.” “With most of the Republican presidential field expressing deep skepticism about the allied mission in Libya, Florida Sen. and all-but-certain VP shortlister Marco Rubio dissents in a strongly worded floor speech: ‘This is not about Hawks versus Doves, or Interventionists versus Isolationists, or any of the other labels that people throw around here. And this cannot be about how upset we are at the President for botching the handling of this matter. What we need to do next should be decided based on what is in the best interest of our country. And here is the reality: Whether you agree with it or not, the United States is engaged in a fight. And it is a fight that only has two possible endings. It can end with the fall of a brutal, criminal, anti-American dictator. Or it could end in the dictator's victory over our allies and us. I would suggest that, given these two choices, the best choice for America is the first one, the fall of the anti-American dictator.’ Rubio has taken a staunchly hawkish position in the GOP during his first months in office - so much so that by the summer of 2012, he could very well be an extreme outlier in his party on foreign policy or a guy who's respected for keeping the faith on Bush-era interventionism all along. Or both.” [Politico, 6/28/11] AUGUST 2011: RUBIO SAID THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE WITH GADHAFI NOT IN CHARGE OF LIBYA Rubio: “The World Is Going To Be A Better Place That Moammar Gadhafi Is Not In Charge Of Libya.” “Well, unfortunately I think on Libya, the policy was too late to come to a coherent policy even took a very day look. I'm very happy that Moammar Gadhafi is not going to be around in Libya. And I actually think the administration didn't handle that well because they waited too long to move one way or the other. You know where they wanted to go. But they had to make a move early and be decisive. And not doing that actually hasn't allowed this to go on longer. But we should be happy for the people in Libya. The world is going to be a better place that Moammar Gadhafi is not in charge of Libya.” [Hannity, Fox News, 8/23/11] OCTOBER 2011: RUBIO ON THE DEATH OF GADHAFI: “JUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE” Rubio Said “Justice Has Been Done Today,” In Response To The Death Of Former Libyan Leader Muammar Gadhafi. “U.S. Senator Marco Rubio issued the following statement regarding the death of former Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi: ‘Justice has been done today. For decades, Muammar Qaddafi terrorized the Libyan people, bankrolled international terrorism and spread instability among its neighbors. He masterminded numerous terrorist attacks that resulted in the death of hundreds of fellow Americans. We are impressed with the tenacity of the Libyan people in reclaiming their freedoms and honor the service of American and NATO forces that courageously assisted on this endeavor. Qaddafi has now joined the list of failed and disgraced tyrants that have faced justice from their own people. We still have a long and arduous road ahead as we partner with the free Libyan people to build a more prosperous and democratic future.’” [Press Release, Office of Senator Rubio, 10/20/11] RUBIO PUSHED FOR MORE U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN SYRIA

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