RUBIO SAID HILLARY CLINTON’S USE OF PRIVATE EMAILS LEFT THEM “EXTREMELY VULNERABLE” TO HACKERS AND FOREIGN GOVERNMENT Rubio On Hillary Clinton Using A Private Email Account When She Was Secretary Of State: “Using A Private Server Outside The Government System Is Extremely Vulnerable, To Hackers And All Sorts Of Foreign Countries That Can Hack In And Get Secrets.” KELLY: “All right, let me switch gears with you because there was a lot of news today, we just talked about it, about Hillary Clinton using only, exclusively a personal e-mail account when she's secretary of state. Her team said, this is a nonissue. It's exactly the same thing Colin Powell did which there real questions about but that's what they're saying, there's no there, there. Your take on it?” RUBIO: “Well, there may or may not be obviously that's something that will have to be further examined. There are two there's that we have to look at. The first is using a private server outside the government system is extremely vulnerable, to hackers and all sorts of foreign countries that can hack in and get secrets. You're Secretary of State, potentially transacting national business on an unsecured server or private server and that leaves our secrets and not on just that but our strategies exposed for the Chinese and the Russian and other intelligence agencies.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 3/3/15] Rubio On Hillary Clinton Using A Private Email Account When She Was Secretary Of State: The State Department Disclosure Rule Was “Clearly Violated.” KELLY: “All right, let me switch gears with you because there was a lot of news today, we just talked about it, about Hillary Clinton using only, exclusively a personal e-mail account when she's secretary of state. Her team said, this is a nonissue. It's exactly the same thing Colin Powell did which there real questions about but that's what they're saying, there's no there, there. Your take on it?” […] RUBIO: “And the other is, the state department has a rule because the diplomatic discourse and so forth, is part of the archives of the United States. So that rule was clearly violated.” [Kelly File, Fox News, 3/3/15] Rubio When Asked If He Would Use Email If He Was In The Executive Branch In 2017: “You Shouldn’t Put Anything Into Email You Don’t Thinks Going To Be Read By A Foreign Intelligence Agency.” “When Rubio was asked whether he'd use email if he were in the executive branch in 2017, his answer focused on security. ‘You shouldn't put anything into email you don't thinks going to be read by a foreign intelligence agency. Especially if you're the president of the United States or a candidate for it, it's a real risk,’ he said. He added that ‘virtually every major presidential campaign in the last two cycles has been hacked by a foreign government or foreign intelligence to some extent, so there's a danger involved in communications because it gives your adversaries insight into your thinking and so forth.’” [CBS News, 3/4/15] Rubio On Hillary Clinton’s Email Controversy At The State Department: If She Was “Transacting State Department Business On An Insecure Server, That Alone Is Reason To Be Alarmed.” VAN SUSTEREN: “What about the Hillary Clinton, secretary of state, controversy over the emails?” RUBIO: “Number one, it appears she violated the rules that the State Department had established. But the bigger concern is was she transacting government business on a server that's not secure? Because we know these servers are targets for foreign intelligence. We know the Chinese, the Russians, the North Koreans, the Cubans and others are constantly trying to hack into computers, and especially that of governmental officials. She if was transacting State Department business on an insecure server, that alone is reason to be alarmed.” [On the Record w/ Greta van Susteren, Fox News, 3/4/15] Rubio On Hillary Clinton’s State Department Email Controversy: “The Security Elements Of This Are What’s Most Concerning. If In Fact, She Was Conducting Official State Department Business Of That Magnitude On A Private Server, It Shows Poor Judgement.” HANNITY: “Senator Rubio, you be making an effort to become the next president. What do you make of all of these controversies involving her?” RUBIO: “I’m interested to see what happened over the next few days. What’s relevant here is whatever was being written about with regards to state department business, in particular, for the following reason. If you have a server at home that you’re conducting sensitive diplomatic conservations, even stuff that isn’t classified, it’s vulnerable to hacking and intrusion by foreign intelligence agencies. They constantly try to intrude on the government computers. It would be a lot easier, usually, to get into a personal service system, as well. And your concerned about that, because they’re not just looking for
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