STATE DEPT EMAILS-TRANSPARENCY 2016ER ATTACKS TED CRUZ CALLED FOR AN INVESTIGATION INTO HILLARY CLINTON’S PRIVATE EMAIL ACCOUNT HEADLINE: “Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz Says Justice Dept. Has An Obligation To Investigate Clinton Emails.” [Associated Press, 3/7/15] Ted Cruz Said The Department Of Justice Should Investigate Hillary Clinton’s Use Of Private E- mail To Conduct Official Business As Secretary Of State. “Sen. Ted Cruz says the Justice Department should investigate Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business while she was secretary of state. The Texas Republican and possible 2016 presidential contender said Saturday that the department ‘absolutely’ should launch an investigation to determine whether Clinton violated any laws, adding that it has an ‘obligation to do so.’” [Associated Press, 3/7/15] HEADLINE: “Ted Cruz: DOJ Should Investigate Hillary Clinton’s Email.” [MSNBC, 3/7/15] Ted Cruz On Hillary Clinton’s E-mails: “I Think What She Has Admitted Right Now On Its Face Raises Serious Questions About Whether She Violated Federal Law, Or Even Potentially Committed Criminal Conduct.” “HH: One minute, Senator, what about her Homebrew statements? Do you think she’s telling the truth? TC: I think what she has admitted right now on its face raises serious questions about whether she violated federal law, or even potentially committed criminal conduct. There needs to be a fair and an impartial investigation.” [Ted Cruz Interview, Hugh Hewitt Show, 3/11/15; AUDIO] Ted Cruz Suggested A Special Prosecutor Was Necessary To Investigate Hillary Clinton’s E-mails. “HH: Special prosecutor? TC: It needs to not be a partisan prosecutor at the Department of Justice who is engaged simply in a cover up and a whitewash. It needs to be someone with impeccable integrity to investigate whether she violated the law.” [Ted Cruz Interview, Hugh Hewitt Show, 3/11/15; AUDIO] HEADLINE: “TED CRUZ: Hillary Clinton's Mass Email Deletion Could Be 'Criminal Conduct'”. [Business Insider, 4/1/15] RAND PAUL SAID HILLARY CLINTON WAS HYPOCRITICAL BECAUSE SHE FIRED A STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE FOR USING PRIVATE EMAIL Rand Paul Said There Was “Hypocrisy” For Hillary Clinton To Overcome Because She Fired One Of Her Ambassadors For Using Private Email, Then Did So Herself. RAND PAUL: “And here’s the thing about the Clintons – the Clintons kind of think the laws for you ordinary people. They think that they’re somehow above the law. She fired one of her ambassadors for using a private email, and then she did the same thing. The law can’t be different for different people, and I think that there’s a certain arrogance and hypocrisy that’s going to be difficult to overcome. She’s already destroyed 30,000 emails. She didn’t obey the rule in the emails and now we’re to trust her that the emails she destroyed had nothing to do with government functions.” [SXSW, Austin TX, 3/15/15] Rand Paul Said That It Was Illegal For The Executive Branch To Use Personal Email And Hillary Clinton Chastised One Of Her Employees For Doing So. “‘Well, apparently it’s illegal for the executive branch to do it that way,’ Paul said when asked about Clinton’s [personal] email issue. ‘And apparently she chastised her employees for doing that.’ ‘There’s a question also if she was talking about things — remember what happened with Petraeus, he was bringing home stuff that was not secured properly? He actually pled guilty not of giving it to anybody, but having it unsecured,’ Paul said.” [Buzzfeed, 3/6/15]

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