Francis, who will visit the United States for a historic trip … and has made addressing global warming one of his pet issues. ‘I would actually talk to him about it to see if he's serious.’ Trump, who is skeptical of the idea that humans are causing climate change, told Fox News' Greta van Susteren that he disagreed with the Pope and would look to gauge why he might be speaking out about it.” [CNN, 9/21/15] Trump Surveyed Rally Participants, Asking If Anyone Believed In Climate Change; “Wow, Not Much, Huh? Nobody?” During a September 2015 campaign rally, a League of Conservation Voters member asked Trump, “I'm here to ask you what your plan is to reduce pollution that is driving climate change and endangering public health.” Trump, in turn, asked the audience, “Let me ask you a question, how many people here believe in global warming? Who believes in global warming? Who believes in global warming, raise your hand? Wow. Not much, huh? Nobody? One person? Huh.” [Huffington Post, 9/18/15; LCV, 9/18/15] Trump: Climate Change Is “Not A Big Problem At All … It’s A Big Planet.” In a September 2015 interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, following the second GOP presidential debate, Trump said, “I consider climate change to be not one of our big problems. I consider it to be not a big problem at all. I think it’s weather. I think it’s weather changes. It could be some man-made something. But, you know, you look at China, they’re doing nothing about it. Other countries are doing nothing about it. It’s a big planet.” [MSNBC Morning Joe, 9/17/15] Trump: “I’m Not A Huge Believer In The Global Warming Phenomenon”; Manmade Contribution To Climate Change Is “Not Nearly To The Extent” That President Obama Says It Is. During a June 2015 interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Trump said, “I’m not a huge believer in the global warming phenomenon … There could be some manmade too, I mean, I’m not saying there’s zero, but not nearly to the extent — when Obama gets up and said it’s the number one problem of our country, and if it is, why is it that we have to clean up our factories now when China doesn’t have to do it for another 30 to 35 years?” [CNN, 6/28/15] Trump: “I’m Not A Believer” In Manmade Climate Change; “This Planet Is So Massive.” In a June 2015 Fox News interview with Sean Hannity, Trump said, “I'm not a believer in manmade -- look, this planet is so massive. And when I hear Obama saying that climate change is the number one problem it is just madness. And by the way it started this global cooling, I mean we went through global warming.” [Fox News, 6/17/15] Trump: If There Are Low Temperatures And Snow, “Where The Hell Is Global Warming?” In February 2015, Trump tweeted, “Record low temperatures and massive amounts of snow. Where the hell is GLOBAL WARMING?” [Donald Trump Twitter, 2/14/15] Trump: Global Warming “Hoaxters” Are Using “Any And All Weather Events … To Justify Higher Taxes.” In January 2014, Trump tweeted, “Any and all weather events are used by the GLOBAL WARMING HOAXSTERS to justify higher taxes to save our planet! They don't believe it $$$$!” [Donald Trump Twitter, 1/26/14] Trump: Global Warming Is A Hoax. In January 2014, Trump tweeted, “NBC News just called it the great freeze - coldest weather in years. Is our country still spending money on the GLOBAL WARMING HOAX?” [Donald Trump Twitter, 1/25/14] Trump Referred To Climate Change As “Bullshit,” Adding, “Our Planet Is Freezing, Record Low Temps, And Our [Global Warming] Scientists Are Stuck In Ice.” In January 2014, Trump tweeted, “This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop. Our planet is freezing, record low temps, and our GW scientists are stuck in ice.” [Donald Trump Twitter, 1/1/14] Trump: “Concept Of Global Warming Was Created By And For The Chinese” To Make U.S. Less Competitive. In 4

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