Employer mandate Public Option FINANCIAL SECTOR 2016 Dem Position Hillary Clinton Senator: 2001-2009 Joe Biden Senator: 1973-2009 VP: 2009- Martin O’Malley Governor: 2007-2014 Jim Webb Senator: 2007-2013 Elizabeth Warren Senator: 2013- Bernie Sanders Rep.: 1991-2007 Senator: 2007- Wall Street Said the business community helped end 2013 shutdown. [Boston Globe, 7/27/14] Criticized opponents of Wall Street reform. [Associated Press, 8/21/12] Proposed tax on Wall Street bonuses for bailed-out companies. [The Hill, 3/3/10] Vocal critic of Wall Street. [Politico, 11/11/13] Vocal critic of Wall Street. [Washington Post, 9/14/14] Carried interest rule Supports eliminating carried interest rule. [Salon, 3/13/15] Dodd Frank TAXES 2016 Dem Position Hillary Clinton Senator: 2001-2009 Joe Biden Senator: 1973-2009 VP: 2009- Martin O’Malley Governor: 2007-2014 Jim Webb Senator: 2007-2013 Elizabeth Warren Senator: 2013- Bernie Sanders Rep.: 1991-2007 Senator: 2007- Capital gains tax Supported raising top rate to 20% at most in 2008 (from 15%) [New York Times, 3/13/15] Reached a deal with McConnell to raise the top rate to 20% in 2013 (from 15%). [New York Times, 1/1/13] Supported raising the lowest rate on capital gains. [Salon, 3/13/15] Supported increasing capital gains tax. [Richmond Times-Dispatch, 12/3/14] Corporate tax Supported reducing corporate income tax. [Richmond Times-Dispatch, 12/3/14] Bush tax cuts Commented [SL11]: Thoughts on dodd frank Commented [SL12]: Adding this

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