110th Congress, 3/23/07] 2006: Voted against repeal of the estate tax. [H.R. 8, Vote 164, 109th Congress, 6/8/06] 110th Congress, 3/23/07] 2006: Voted against repeal of the estate tax. [H.R. 8, Vote 164, 109th Congress, 6/8/06] DRUGS 2016 Dem Position Hillary Clinton Senator: 2001-2009 Joe Biden Senator: 1973-2009 VP: 2009- Martin O’Malley Governor: 2007-2015 Jim Webb Senator: 2007-2013 Elizabeth Warren Senator: 2013- Bernie Sanders Rep.: 1991-2007 Senator: 2007- Lincoln Chafee Senator: 1999-2007 Governor: 2011-2015 Marijuana Neither supports nor opposes medical marijuana. [KPCC Radio, AirTalk, 7/22/14] Neither supports nor opposes recreational marijuana. [KPCC Radio, AirTalk, 7/22/14] Opposes legalization of marijuana. [Time, 2/6/14] Signed marijuana decriminalization into law in Maryland. [CBS News, 4/14/14] Opposed legalization of marijuana. [State of the Union, CNN, 1/12/14] Indicated that marijuana legalization should be on the table as part of criminal justice reform. [Huffington Post, 4/27/09] Supports medical marijuana. [Think Progress, 9/24/12] Supports medical marijuana. [Time, 3/5/14] Neither supports nor opposes recreational marijuana. [Time, 3/5/14] Oversaw marijuana decriminalization as governor. [RIPR, 2/26/14] TRADE 2016 Dem Position Hillary Clinton Senator: 2001-2009 Joe Biden Senator: 1973-2009 VP: 2009- Martin O’Malley Governor: 2007-2015 Jim Webb Senator: 2007-2013 Elizabeth Warren Senator: 2013- Bernie Sanders Rep.: 1991-2007 Senator: 2007- Lincoln Chafee Senator: 1999-2007 Governor: 2011-2015 Trans-Pacific Partnership 2015: Said she would only support a trade deal that protected American workers and strengthened national security. [@jeneps, Twitter, 4/17/15] Supported TPP as Secretary of State. [Remarks at Far Eastern Federal University, State Department, 9/8/12] Supported TPP as Vice President. [@IsaacDovere, Twitter, 4/17/15] Opposed TPP. [@GovernorOMalley, Twitter, 4/17/15] 2015: Declined to weigh in on TPP until Congress saw the text of the deal. [Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC, 4/16/15] Cautiously supported TPP as senator. [Dispatch Japan, 2/6/12] Specifically opposed the Investor-State Dispute Settlement clause of the TPP. [Elizabeth Warren op-ed, Washington Post, 2/25/15] Opposed TPP. [@SenSanders, Twitter, 4/17/15] Supported the TPP. [Providence Journal, 12/30/13] Trade with China As a senator, pressured China to drop discriminatory trade practices. 2012: Promised to “enforc[e] trade laws against China.” [Joe Biden, USA Today, 2012: Said it was “critical that we move forward now to explore new Called on the U.S. to take “concrete steps” to address China’s unfair trade Called for imposing a fee on China for manipulating currency. [Office of 2000: Voted in favor of permanent normal trade relations with China. [H.R. 4444, Commented [SL8]: Let’s link to this instead http://www.scpr.org/programs/airtalk/2014/07/22/38484/hillary-clinton-on-ukraine-gaza-and-the-hard-choic/ Formatted: Not Highlight Field Code Changed Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight Formatted: Not Highlight

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