Rapids, IA, Council on Foreign Relations, 11/5/07] 3/29/12] 2012: Opposed tax credits for renewable technologies because “government should avoid picking winners and losers.” [Think Progress, 3/30/12] Climate Change Under Secretary Clinton, State Department Appointed The First Special Envoy For Climate Change. [State Department, 1/26/09] Secretary Clinton: “I Believe That American Leadership Is Essential To Meeting The Challenges Of The 21st Century…And Chief Among Those Is The Complex, Urgent, And Global Threat Of Climate Change.” [State Department, 1/26/09] Proposed To “Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent From 1990 Levels By 2050” As President. [Speech in Cedar Rapids, IA, Council on Foreign Relations, 11/5/07] “The Senate Passed My Legislation To Require The Department Of Defense To Integrate [The Threat From] Global Warming’ Into Our Planning.” [Speech in Cedar Equated denying climate change with denying gravity. [Salon, 3/6/15] O’Malley called international collaboration to confront climate change a “security imperative.” [Washington Post, 3/16/15] Opposed 2009 Copenhagen agreement, citing lack of congressional approval. [Vox, 3/9/15] Believed climate change was manmade and wanted America to lead the world on Climate Change. [Washington Post, 5/1/15] Believed climate change was manmade. [Associated Press, 2/21/14]

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