over $25,000: May not serve as an officer or member of the board of any publicly-held or publicly-regulated company.” [Senate Ethics Committee, accessed 5/28/15] Senate Ethics Committee: Senators May Serve On Boards of Tax-Exempt Organizations “On An Uncompensated Basis.” “A Senator and anyone employed for more than 90 days and earning over $25,000:…May serve on an uncompensated basis as an officer or board member of an organization exempt from tax under section under 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, or an organization which is principally available to Members, officers and employees of the Senate and their families (e.g., the U.S. Senate Federal Credit Union).” [Senate Ethics Committee, accessed 5/28/15] SANDERS SENATORS MAY NOT SERVE AS COMPENSATED BOARD MEMBERS OF ANY ORGANIZATIONS Senate Ethics Committee: Senators May Not Serve On The Boards Of “Any Publicly-Held Or Publicly-Regulated Company.” “A Senator and anyone employed for more than 90 days and earning over $25,000: May not serve as an officer or member of the board of any publicly-held or publicly-regulated company.” [Senate Ethics Committee, accessed 5/28/15] Senate Ethics Committee: Senators May Serve On Boards of Tax-Exempt Organizations “On An Uncompensated Basis.” “A Senator and anyone employed for more than 90 days and earning over $25,000:…May serve on an uncompensated basis as an officer or board member of an organization exempt from tax under section under 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, or an organization which is principally available to Members, officers and employees of the Senate and their families (e.g., the U.S. Senate Federal Credit Union).” [Senate Ethics Committee, accessed 5/28/15] CHAFEE CHAFEE DID NOT TYPICALLY RELEASE TAX RETURNS AS GOVERNOR Chafee Did Not Typically Release Tax Returns As Governor. “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo made his annual tax return public this week, but Gov. Lincoln Chafee’s office says he won’t be doing the same with his. ‘Governor Chafee has traditionally kept his personal tax returns private and will not break that precedent now,’ spokesman Christian Vareika told WPRI.com in an e-mail.” [WPRI, 4/21/11] AFTER LEAVING THE SENATE, CHAFEE SERVED ON SEVERAL BOARDS BEFORE BECOMING GOVERNOR OF RHODE ISLAND… Chafee 2016 Exploratory Committee: “From 2007 To 2009, Chafee… Served On The Boards Of NARAL Pro-Choice America, American University Of Beirut, The Foundation For Effective Government (Ukraine), Slater Mill National Historic Landmark, And The Commission On Climate And Tropical Forests.” “From 2007 to 2009, Chafee was a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. During this time, he served on the boards of NARAL Pro-Choice America, American University of Beirut, The Foundation for Effective Government (Ukraine), Slater Mill National Historic Landmark, and the Commission on Climate and Tropical Forests.” [Chafee 2016 Exploratory Committee, accessed 5/28/15] …AS A GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE, CHAFEE REPORTED UP TO $100,000 IN COMPENSATION FROM A GOVERNANCE ORGANIZATION FOCUSED ON UKRAINE 2010: Lincoln Chafee Reported $50,001-100,000 In Consulting Fees From Foundation For Effective Governance In Kiev, Ukraine. [2010 Yearly Financial Statement, Rhode Island Ethics Commission, 4/28/11] Commented [BJ3]: I haven’t been able to find anything about compensation from this organization

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