LEGISLATION/HEARINGS McCain Attacks Dems. On False Charges. “’They have never, to my knowledge, been involved in legislation, or hearings, nor engagement on this issue,’ McCain said today of opponents Obama and Clinton. ‘I have a long history. I traveled around the world and seen the impacts of climate change on the world.’ But that statement doesn't take into account the fact that Clinton accompanied him on two of those trips. McCain traveled with Clinton, who sits on the Environment and Public Works Committee, on two congressional trips to examine climate change issues; one during the summer of 2004 and another -- in 2005 -- to Alaska and Canada…Obama's resume on environmental policy is not as thick as his colleagues', but it isn't completely void of participation either; in 2007, for example, he sponsored a bipartisan bill to create a national education effort around the climate change issue. The bill was referred to the HELP committee last year.” [First Read, MSNBC, 5/13/08]

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