2008 Hits on Hillary Clinton

GIMMICKS BARACK OBAMA CALLED HILLARY CLINTON’S GAS TAX HOLIDAY AN “ELECTION-YEAR GIMMICK” 2008: Then-Senator Obama Criticized Clinton For “Endorsing A Plan To Suspend The Federal Excise Tax On Gasoline…For The Summer Travel Season.” “Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton lined up with Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, in endorsing a plan to suspend the federal excise tax on gasoline, 18.4 cents a gallon, for the summer travel season. But Senator Barack Obama, Mrs. Clinton’s Democratic rival, spoke out firmly against the proposal, saying it would save consumers little and do nothing to curtail oil consumption and imports.” [New York Times, 4/29/08]  Obama Campaign: Clinton’s Gas Tax Holiday “An Election-Year Gimmick.” “A new Obama response ad airing in Indiana in the campaign's final days calls Clinton's gas tax holiday proposal ‘an election year-gimmick, saving Hoosiers just pennies a day.’” [USA Today, 5/2/08] SPENDING MCCAIN ACCUSED THEN-SENATOR CLINTON OF EXCESSIVE PORK SPENDING McCain: “Senator Clinton Tried To Spend $1 Million On The Woodstock Concert Museum.” [2008 Republican Primary Debate, 10/21/07]  2007: Then-Senator Clinton And Senator Schumer Lobbied For A $1 Million “Museum Located At The Performing Arts Center That Would Commemorate The 1969 Woodstock Music Festival In Their State.” “The Senate Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Committee Appropriations Report shows that Clinton and fellow New York Sen. Charles Schumer did lobby for a $1 million earmark for the Bethel Performing Arts Center in Liberty N.Y. Clinton and Schumer intended to use the earmark for a museum located at the Performing Arts Center that would commemorate the 1969 Woodstock music festival in their state.” [Politifact, 10/19/07] McCain: “In Her Short Time In The United States Senate, The Senator From New York, Senator Clinton, Has Gotten $500 Million Worth Of Pork-Barrel Projects.” “In her short time in the United States Senate, the senator from New York, Senator Clinton, has gotten $500 million worth of pork-barrel projects…My friends, that kind of thing is going to stop when I'm president of the United States.” [New York Times, 2/4/08] McCain: “Senators Clinton And Obama Have A Plan To Raise Taxes And Government Spending -- That Is The Wrong Way Forward.” “The bill is not perfect, but it faithfully reflects both mine and the President's principles of providing tax relief for families and businesses. Additionally, the bill provides mortgage assistance to homeowners in need. I am proud of my Republican colleagues who were able to defeat efforts to weigh down the legislation with irresponsible expansion of government spending. Senators Clinton and Obama have a plan to raise taxes and government spending -- that is the wrong way forward. This November, voters will choose between my vision for lowering taxes, cutting spending, and restoring fiscal responsibility, and the Democrats' tired ideas of raising taxes and increasing frivolous spending.” [Press Release, John McCain, 2/8/08] MCCAIN CRITICIZED CLINTON FOR HER SUPPORT OF A BANK BAILOUT McCain: Then-Senator Clinton Proposed “A Multibillion Dollar Bailout For Big Banks And Speculators…There Is A Tendency For Liberals To Seek Big Government Programs That Sock It To American Taxpayers While Failing To Solve The Very Real Problems We Face.” “McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, outlined his plan to address the housing situation earlier this week. His campaign released a statement Thursday calling the housing crisis a ‘complex problem that deserves a careful, balanced approach that helps the homeowners in trouble, not big banks and speculators that

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