IMMIGRATION DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES CRITICIZED CLINTON FOR FAILING TO TAKE A CLEAR POSITION ON DRIVERS LICENSES FOR UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS In A 2007 Democratic Primary Debate, Candidates Criticized Clinton For Failing To Stake Out A Clear Position On New York Governor Spitzer’s Plan To Give Drivers Licenses To Undocumented Immigrants. [Hardball With Chris Matthews, MSNBC, 10/31/07] CLINTON FOUNDATION DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY DEBATE MODERATOR TIM RUSSERT TRIED TO GET CLINTON TO SAY WHETHER OR NOT SHE THOUGHT CLINTON FOUNDATION DONORS SHOULD BE MADE PUBLIC, BUT SHE DODGED THE QUESTION Clinton Dodged A Question In A Democratic Primary Debate Over Whether Or Not Her Husband’s Foundation Should Make Its Donors Public. “Russert: Until such legislation, would they voluntarily, the Clinton library and Clinton Foundation, make their donors public? Clinton: Well, you'll have to ask them. Russert: What's your recommendation? Clinton: Well, I don't talk about my private conversations with my husband, but I'm sure he'd be happy to consider that.” [Democratic Primary Debate, NBC News, 9/26/07] FOREIGN POLICY MCCAIN HIT CLINTON FOR SUPPORTING WITHDRAWAL FROM IRAQ, WHICH HE LIKENED TO SURRENDER Politifact: McCain Said Clinton Wanted To “Wave A White Flag” And Withdraw From Iraq. [Politifact, 1/27/08] McCain: Then-Senator Clinton Wanted “Withdrawal And De Facto Surrender” From Iraq “On Day One” Of Her Presidency. “At a time when Senator Clinton knows that American and allied forces are making real progress in Iraq, it is unfortunate that she would look to score political points by mischaracterizing Senator McCain's statement with intellectually dishonest attacks. The differences between Senator McCain's position, that we must win this war, and Senator Clinton's position, withdrawal and de facto surrender on day one, are important enough to have an honest debate over. It would be the height of irresponsibility to stick with campaign promises to the left-wing of the Democratic Party and proceed with withdrawal regardless of what the situation is on the ground in Iraq in January 2009.” [Press Release, John McCain, 3/17/08] MCCAIN ATTACKED CLINTON FOR OPPOSING THE SURGE McCain Attacked Clinton For Saying The Surge Was Not Working In 2008. “All I can say is that she obviously does not understand nor appreciate the progress that's been made on the ground. She told General Petraeus last year when he testified that you'd have to suspend disbelief in order to believe that the surge is working. Well, the surge is working. All I can say is that this will be a big issue in the election as we approach November, because at least a growing number of Americans, though, still frustrated and understandably so, believe that this strategy is succeeding.” [CNN, 3/17/08] MCCAIN SAID CLINTON WAS BLAMING THE U.S. FOR FOMENTING ISLAMIC EXTREMISM McCain Accused Senator Clinton Of Holding The U.S. Responsible For “Fomenting The Terrible Evil Of Radical Islamic Extremism.” “Senator Clinton and Senator Obama will concede to our critics that our own actions to defend against its threats are responsible for fomenting the terrible evil of radical Islamic extremism and the resolve to combat it will be as flawed as their judgment. I intend -- I intend to

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