ЕМО Senior Art Director Кое прави работата ти значима? Предизвикателството, което идва с всеки нов проект – да покажеш най-доброто от себе си и да надминеш очакванията, които имат хората. Какво e нещото, която няма да ти омръзне? Разнообразието от клиенти от различни браншове и сфери. Работил съм както с големи онлайн магазини като „Технополис“ и „Практикер“, банки – ДСК и Пощенска банка, големи новинарски платформи, така и с изцяло бутикови сайтове. Целите и проблематиката, която срещам в различните типове проекти, не ми дават възможност нещо да ми омръзне. Дефинирай „труден клиент“ и работата с такъв? Такъв, който не ти дава необходимата (или поне минимално необходимата) информация. Има неясни представи и съответно погрешни очаквания за проекта. Той не се доверява на професионализма и опита на студиото, заради които всъщност би трябвало да ни е избрал, и не следва дадените предложения. Такъв тип клиент иска първо „да види“, че не става, както той смята, че е добре, и чак след това се съгласява „да пробва“ това, което сме предложили в самото начало. Това, за съжаление, води до трудна и бавна комуникация. Кой е последният проект, в който срещна и реши по интересен начин дизайн или юзабилити проблем? От последните проекти, по които работих, харесах много сайта на новия жилищен комплекс „Кошер“ и дизайнът на туристическата агенция „Бояна Травел“. В тях ми допадна това, че освен функционалност тези клиенти преследваха силно нуждата от визуална изява и креативен подход. Имаха осъзнато желание да създадат конкретна емоция в сайта, усещане за завършеност и имаха познанията и културата да оценят добрите решения. EMO Senior Art Director What makes your job significant? The challenge that comes with each new project - to show the best of yourself and exceed people’s expectations. What is the thing you won’t get bored of? The variety of clients from different industries and fields. I have worked with large online stores such as Technopolis and Praktiker, banks - DSK and Postbank, large news platforms, and entirely boutique websites. The goals and issues that I encounter in the different types of projects do not allow me to get bored of something. Define a “difficult client” and working with such? Оne who does not give you the necessary (or at least the minimum necessary) information. There are vague ideas and correspondingly wrong expectations for the project. He doesn’t trust the professionalism and experience of the studio, which is why he should have chosen us, and he doesn’t follow our proposals. This type of client first wants to “see” that it doesn’t work out the way he thinks it should, and only then agrees to “try” what we suggested in the first place. This, unfortunately, leads to difficult and slow communication. What is the last project in which you met and solved in an interesting way a design or usability problem? Of the recent projects I worked on, I really liked the website of the new Kosher residential complex and the design of the “Boyana Travel” travel agency. I liked the fact that in addition to functionality, these clients strongly pursued the need for visual expression and creative approach. They had a conscious desire to create a specific emotion on the website, a sense of completion and had the knowledge and culture to appreciate good decisions. KRASSY Technical Director What makes your job significant? It is important to me that the projects I work on solve a problem or create convenience for their users. Many of these projects are large and frequently visited websites such as those of Vivacom, FIBank, Investbank and others. Then I know that the problems we have solved, or the improvements we have developed, have affected a really large number of people. This is what makes me think that my work is meaningful. And what is a “difficult client”? The one who does not trust you. He has no solution to the problem (it is not his duty), but he refuses to accept what we offer and prefers to “improvise”. This leads to unnecessary adjustments, sometimes repeatedly, respectively to a waste of the client’s time. Which project from the last year brought you interesting challenges? Last year I worked on a variety of projects and in each of them there were different challenges. Per - sonally, the most interesting are the ones I encounter in larger projects, such as online stores, banking websites or various internal systems (intranet sys - tems). We have developed such systems for differ - ent types of businesses - from banks and insurance companies to sociological research companies - and there the details can really be interesting. STUDIO X | BULGARIA abcdefghijklmnopqr s
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