NO PLACE IS EVER A S B A D A S T H E Y T E L L Y O U I T ’ S GOING TO BE. MINDFUL HABITS This can help us to focus on what we need to do in the here and now to take care of I N THE FACE OF ourselves and our finances. FINANCIAL Second, mindfulness can help us to better deal with difficult emotions that come up CHALLENGES around money. When we are mindful of our reactions, we can start to see them more Mindfulness can help us to be more clearly and choose how to respond in a way present in the face of financial challenges that is helpful rather than harmful. and difficult life circumstances. When we are mindful, we can better deal with Finally, mindfulness can help us develop a difficult emotions and situations. We can greater sense of self-compassion. When we are also develop a greater sense of self- able to be kinder and more understanding compassion and understanding. towards ourselves, it becomes easier to make sensible decisions about our finances and We all face financial challenges at some stick to a budget. We may also find that we point in our lives. Whether it’s struggling to are less likely to impulsively spend money make ends meet, dealing with debt, or when we feel down or stressed out. trying to save for a major purchase, money worries can be a big source of stress. Mindfulness can help us to cope with these When it comes to the cost of living crisis, challenges in a few different ways. First, it mindfulness is a necessary tool to help us can allow us to be more present in the cope. The first step is to become aware of the moment and less caught up in our problem. We need to be mindful of our thoughts about the future or the past. spending and our income. If we are not mindful of these things, we can easily find ourselves in a hole that we cannot get out of.