That being said, it's important to remember that the quality and value of Pink sapphires are generally considered a sapphire are determined by a to be rarer than blue sapphires, although combination of factors, including color, the rarity and value of any particular clarity, cut, and carat weight. A high- sapphire depends on a variety of quality blue sapphire, for example, can factors. be more valuable than a lower-quality pink sapphire, depending on the specific characteristics of each stone. Are pink sapphires rarer than blue? Sapphires come in a wide range of The rarity of a sapphire is determined by colors, including blue, pink, yellow, a combination of factors, including the green, purple, and orange, among availability of the rough material, the others. Of these colors, blue sapphires difficulty of extracting and cutting the are the most well-known and widely stone, and the demand for that available, making them more common particular color in the market. In general, than other colors in general. Pink the rarer the color and the more sapphires, on the other hand, are desirable it is, the more valuable the relatively rare, particularly those with a sapphire will be. vivid and saturated pink color.