CONTENTS 6. Writing RAFT (pg. 137) ✂ Flipping the Grammar and Writing Component (pg.141) Practice Lab 6 (pg. 143) 7. Assessment (pg. 149) ✂ Rubric (pg. 153) Blog Post Ideas (pg. 155) ✂ Practice Lab 7 (pg. 161) 8. Listening (pg. 163) Practice Lab 8 (pg. 171) 9. Speaking (pg. 178) ✂ Think-pair-share (TPS) (pg. 179) Practical cases (pg. 180) ✂ Practice Lab 9 (pg. 185) 10. SAMR (pg.191) My Sample. Teacher`s Book SAMR (pg.193) ✂ Practice Lab 10. What is SAMR? (pg. 208)

Try before buy. Lesson Design and Planning from scratch.: A self-study reference and practice book. - Page 5 Try before buy. Lesson Design and Planning from scratch.: A self-study reference and practice book. Page 4 Page 6