ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Selfishness and greed drive people most of the time, all they see are the possible gains and ignore the negative consequences. Other scenarios have them convince themselves that they are either not doing something bad or they overestimate their own abilities and think they won't be caught. We learn from both good and bad examples. We learn what to do from good examples and what to avoid doing from those who have made a mess of their lives. Follow the good. Learn from the bad. Bad examples help identify dead-ends. I wish to thank my toxic people. I don't belong on the same page or even in the same library. From Marina Hrabar I`m 44 y.o. Yes, we have a problem. Why are teachers getting younger? Managers can kill two birds with one stone by getting rid of an older, more experienced, and thus more expensive teacher, and hiring two younger, cheaper teachers. All of which are battered to dust within five years, usually much less now. Then the schools hire the next batch of young things and the cycle of burn out continues. This question is only about money. Age holds no value if you are talented and master your subject well. Experience is the main difference. Apart from that, an old teacher has a “knowledge-base” that is developed over years of teaching experience. But all parents want the best teacher for their kids. Not an animator, not a baby sitter. All the best teachers are older than 40. The best Harvard teachers are older than 50. I always choose knowledge and experience. Normal people also do. Not normal is to be stupid and ugly at any age. I`m in Ukraine now. What do they have here? EX-SOVIET territory. Soviets traits. Love money Use people. It`s just about their ugly truth about not being pretty. "No matter how old you are now. You are never too young or too old for success or going after what you want." - Pablo

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