My important theme is dreaming. Developing Myself Lesson Objectives - Students will be able to define vocabulary words, identify the main characters, describe the scenes and setting. - Students will be able to explore a dream ambition. - Students will be able to write imaginatively, creatively and thoughtfully, producing texts that interest and engage the reader. - Students will be able to generate and harness new ideas and develop them in their writing. What is the age of the students you are planning this reading for? 14+ Describe your students' language proficiency. Intermediate (Reading skills including focusing on topic sentences plus using context to work out the meaning of unknown words. Follow on activities include thinking of ways to search for eternal youth). Make associations between new information and their prior knowledge, use new information to clarify or modify their prior knowledge, read and listen between lines, relate new concepts to their own lives, to their experiences, knowledge, beliefs and feelings. Create a mental, oral and written summary of information. List the title and author of the reading. Keep Your Dream. Welcome Reader Discuss why you think this reading would be appropriate for your learners. Dreams are very important in life. They motivate, inspire, improve and help you in achieving any goal that you want to achieve. 25

Try before buy. Lesson Design and Planning from scratch.: A self-study reference and practice book. - Page 14 Try before buy. Lesson Design and Planning from scratch.: A self-study reference and practice book. Page 13 Page 15