Practice Lab 4. Check Yourself Educational modeling can be defined as giving students a demonstration example of a process product that is representative of the skill content they are expected to perform themselves All of the above Benefits for providing students with examples to supplement our raw instruction All of the above Models help students see what it is that they re supposed to produce ✇ Models can help students see the relevance of the tasks we ask them to do We cant forget that sometimes we lose sight as teachers of what our assignments look like to r students More than one way to skin a cat will help students ① ② find the method that s best combined with their own creativity and ambitions r picture their work along that one narrow line Models are meant to be handed out or posted up examples discussed and explained 107

Try before buy. Lesson Design and Planning from scratch.: A self-study reference and practice book. - Page 22 Try before buy. Lesson Design and Planning from scratch.: A self-study reference and practice book. Page 21 Page 23