CASE NUMBER 10 CYBERSECURITY THROUGH THE LENS OF HACKING. Research Cybersecurity through the lens of White Hat, Grey Hat and Black Hat hacking. What are grey hats and hacktivists? A hacker is a tech-savvy computer user who manipulates and bypasses computer systems to make them do the unintended. Sometimes this manipulation is noble with a goal to create something beneficial. Other times, hacking is done to hurt people through identity theft or other damage. Types of Hackers You are likely familiar with the stereotypical 1980s hacker, the evil criminal who is socially isolated. While this stereotype does indeed describe some modern hackers, other hackers exist who are not criminals. There are many hackers who use their knowledge for good. The main categories of hackers are: Black Hat Hackers: Criminals and wrongdoers. White Hat Hackers: Ethical hackers who work to protect systems and people. Grey Hat Hackers: Dabble in both black hat and white hat tinkering. Classic Black Hat Hackers A black hat hacker is a computer user who willfully vandalizes or commits theft on other people's networks. The term "black hat" is a way to describe their malicious motivations. Black hats are gifted but unethical computer users who are motivated by money, fame, or criminal purposes. They may steal data to sell it or attempt to extort money from system owners. They are the bad guys of the hacking world. 171