• Allow the ink to go where it pleases. • When you feel that there is enough ink on the paper, let ev- erythingdry. You may wish to add some details with the ink once the paper has dried thoroughly. YYYooouuu cccaaannn eeexxxppprrreeessssss yyyooouuurrrssseeelllfff wwwiiittthhh eeeaaassseee... You don’t need to say a word. Your artworks represent your emotions and your current state. You choo- se colors accord- ing to how you feel. There are several bright and cheerful ones, and there are also a few dark, gloomy pieces. This real- ly makes you focus on what you want to express. 159 / 198

Advanced Grammar in Tables: English Grammar is easy. New Edition - Page 28 Advanced Grammar in Tables: English Grammar is easy. New Edition Page 27 Page 29