6. The GRAMMAR`S CEF levels. Common mistakes (C1) Council of Grammar Europe levels A1 Adjectives: common and demonstrative Possessive s Adverbs of frequency Prepositions, Comparatives and superlatives common Going to Prepositions of How much/how many and very place common uncountable nouns Prepositions of I’d like time, including Imperatives (+/-) in/on/at Intensifiers - very basic Present Modals: can/can’t/could/couldn’t continuous Past simple of “to be” Present simple Past Simple Pronouns: Possessive adjectives simple, personal Questions There is/are To be, including question+nega- tives Verb + ing: like/hate/love A2 Adjectives – comparative, – use of Past continuous than and definite article Past simple Adjectives – superlative – use of definite Phrasal verbs – common article Possessives – use of ‘s, Adverbial phrases of time, place and s’ frequency – including word order Prepositional phrases Adverbs of frequency (place, time and Articles – with countable and movement) uncountable nouns Prepositions of time: Countables and Uncountables: on/in/at much/many Present continuous Future Time (will and going to) Present continuous for Gerunds future Going to Present perfect Imperatives Questions Modals – can/could Verb + ing/infinitive: Modals – have to like/ Modals – should want-would like Wh-questions in past Zero and 1st conditional 108 / 198

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