The possessive case is used to show ownership. things have a con- a group of two nection to people: or more coordi- nated nouns if Germany's economy = such a group the economy of Ger- refers to a sing- many le idea «of phraze» represents Partitive mea- `s may be added the objective genitive ning. to a whole group His drawing of children Denoting «one of words. are exceptionally good= He draws children excep- of...» tionally well It was four and a half miles` drive With nouns deno- It is a novel by Dic- The last element ting inanimate kens.(=one of his of the group things novels) may even not be I heard the unseen tum- But : a noun. bling of the waters. It is a novel by Dic- Everybody kens (= a novel drank to everyo- happi- written by Dickens) ne else`s ness With nouns denoting li- The partitive hour or two`s ving beings to express meaningcan be distance from the ci- the subjective genitive lost. ty relation The entrance of the lost Do look at this silly 2 persons possess child made a slight sen- wife of yours. smth. in common sation. The construction ac- Diana and Ma- I opened it, and read quires emotional ry`s general the writing of Agnes. force (denoting prai- answer to this se, pleasure, displea- question was a 12 / 198 sure, etc.) sigh. Becomes purely descriptive In colloquial speech he old man what-do- you-call-him's house