Regular and Irregular Verbs Regular Verbs By means of the inflexion -ed Love-loved-loved Irregular Verbs Ask-asked-asked -d, -t to the stem with- Consonantal Verbs out a To burn-burnt-burnt change of the root vowel To dwell-dwelt-dwelt -d,-t to the stem To learn-learnt-learnt (change of the To but-bought-bought root-vowel) To sell-sold-sols The final consonant is To creep-crept-crept dropped To send-sent-sent -t To build-built-built Vocalic Verbs A vowel change To run-ran-run To speak-spoke-spo- A mixture of conso- ken Mixed Verbs nantal and To crow-crew-crowed vocalic inflexion To wake-woke waked 28 / 198

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