ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grammar…. I`ve noticed some blood and tears there. But it can be viewed as a partial characterization of linguistic structure (rather than defining a unique set of grammatical strings) Informally, a dependency grammar produces a set of terminals connected by a set of directed arcs — one arc for every terminal except the root terminal. A dependency grammar S, N, R S is the start symbol N is a set of terminals R is a set of rewrite rules A sentence of length n, consisting of all distinct terminals will have n(2n−1+1) dependency grammar rules to conform to it. Carrol&Charniak (1992): restrictions on the rule format Magerman&Marcus (1990): use grammar to eliminate undesirable rules Grammar is the foundation for communication. When a message is relayed with the correct grammar, it is easier to understand the purpose and meaning that message. Grammar is the set of structural rules, and it helps us to understand how words and their component parts combine to form sentences. You will find that the grammar is extremely simple. Seeing the structure of the table makes the task somewhat easier because it reminds the children of the skip-counting pattern.