No comma Note 1. No comma is The sun shone bright and warm. used as a rule when and joins 2 homoge- neous parts Note 2. When several Trees, and bridges, and houses we- homogeneous parts of re swept down by the flooded the sentence are joined stream. by and, a comma is pla- ced before this conjunc- tion Note 3. To follow in And gleaming and streaming and quick succession. (The beaming. And rushing and flushing mind only one picture) and gushing. Note 4. When and oc- It was a February morning, dry, cold curs between the two and starry (O` Flaherty) last homogeneous parts of the series, the The blast smelt of icebergs, arctic comma is usually inser- seas, whales, and white bears, car- ted before this conjunc- rying the snow so that it licked the tion; although many land but did not deepen on it. (Har- writers omit this com- dy) ma. Note 5. If two attribu- The next day came the little red tes expressed by adjec- bull, drawing the cart to office do- tives are not homoge- or. neous, no comma is in- A young girl with cheeks like po- serted between them. ppies and eyes like jet, with a short red dress and bushy black brown hair, comes out, and stands in the doorway. 62 / 201