3. THE ADJECTIVE The adjective is a part of speech which includes words expressing the attributes of substances (good, bad, difficult, red) The main syntactical functions in the sentence • An attribute: A glitter of sunshine made the early winter more like late autumn, and the dark woods were touched here and there with red and golden leaves like the last rays of a lost summer. • A predictive in a nominal (compound) predicate: He looked so beautiful and peaceful sitting in that chair under the tree. • Predicatives (subject or object) Adjectives with the prefix a- such as alive, awake, aware, asleep, afraid, etc. I lay awake a long while. He was asleep in the dining room. • Attributes. Adjectives with the prefix a- such as alive, awake, aware, asleep, afraid, etc. when they follow their head-nouns. Predicative character. live or living for alive waking or wakeful for awake slanting for aslant stray for astray etc. • An adverbial modifier to the adjective. The sky was very gloomy. The adjective may be associated with • an object The air was full of butterflies. • an attribute in post-position. "You are like your brother Ben after all, " I said. • An adverbial modifier of comparison or manner 11 / 201