999... MMMOOOTTTIIIVVVAAATTTIIIOOONNN///CCCOOOVVVEEERRR LLLEEETTTTTTEEERRR FFFOOORRR UUUNNNIIIVVVEEERRRSSSIIITTTIIIEEESSS... CCCVVV wwwrrriiitttiiinnnggg... Adapted from: http://motivationalletter.com/motivation-letterfor-erasmus/ The main goal of the cover letter is to help you obtain an interview. It is written as an introduction to your resume, highlighting those skills and an experience. A letter of motivation is another name for a cover letter. Students typically send these letters to universities when they are applying for special programs, such as a study abroad opportunity. Letters are important because they allow you to introduce yourself to key decision-makers. Instructions 1. Letters of motivation are formal, so use formal (business) style and format. Align everything to the left and begin with the date. Then skip down a line and write the address of the university contact person. Come down another line and write the formal salutation followed by a colon. Do not indent the paragraphs; just put a space between each one. Use a formal closure, and leave spacetosignyour name.Finally, typeyournameandpersonalcontactinformation. 2. Create compelling content. The letter should contain about 3 paragraphs of useful information. Resist the urge to repeat what you have already shared elsewhere in your application packet. You may make related comments, but try to keep your letter of motivation original. In the first paragraph,include informationaboutyourpersonalityandprior experience thatwill make youa good fit for the program. In the second paragraph, explain what you hope to learn as a result of participating in the program. List goals that include both positive changes you can bring to the school and positive changes the school can create in your life. In the third paragraph, write about steps you are taking to prepare for the program and express interest in hearing a reply soon. 172 / 201