Safety first Even if you choose not to disclose your lupus to people around you, wear a MedicAlert® bracelet or medallion and carry the MedicAlert® card in your wallet, especially when travelling. These are recognized around the world and could save your life in a situation in which you cannot speak for yourself. Ask your pharmacist for details. *Adapted from “A Treasury of Comfort” by Sidney Greenberg. Information for friends and family – how you can help When a loved one tells you that they have a serious, chronic illness, it is often difficult to know what to say and how to help. Some people become distant for fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. Here are some suggestions to help you help someone with lupus: • Don’t try to boost their spirits if they are not feeling receptive to it. • Don’t try to divert them. If the topic of their health is on their mind, then it is important to talk about it. Allow the person the opportunity to talk about their illness and their feelings. • Try not to be afraid to talk about the illness. • Reassure, don’t argue. • Swing into action, Get them out of themselves. • Don’t be afraid of causing tears. You shouldn’t feel like you’re walking on eggshells around the person. • Communicate – don’t isolate. • Perform some concrete act. You might offer to help with a chore such as grocery shopping or cooking. You might ask “how can I help you?” 74

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