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With this information as a basis, a good working relationship with your doctor is crucial to the success of your treatment. The strong support of family and friends can be equally important. Membership in lupus organizations can also be helpful and informative. What is happening in research? Many doctors and scientists are investigating the causes of and cure for lupus. At medical centres worldwide (including Canada), research has led to improved tests and techniques for diagnosis and better methods for predicting flares. These allow doctors to start treatment sooner, which may improve chances for success. As part of research, many centres collect and store patient information and statistics. The results of this data can help doctors and patients make better decisions about treatment for an increasingly wide range of symptoms. This, along with today’s advances in technology, greater awareness about lupus, and the promise of a cure, gives hope to all whose lives are touched by lupus. There are many new medications currently being studied and we hope to have many new options for treatment in the coming years. To learn more about research happening in Canada, visit the Canadian Network for Improved Outcomes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (CaNIOS) website at Lupus organizations across Canada continue to support the work of CaNIOS. Where to find out more about lupus Lupus Canada, the Member Organizations and Divisions across Canada can answer many questions and tell you about local programs and services to support people with lupus. The websites also contain vital information, research updates, personal stories, practical resources and links that are helpful to people with lupus and their supporters. Visit For more information: • Lupus Canada: This site includes electronic versions of the Living Well with Lupus fact sheets. • Lupus Ontario: • The Arthritis Foundation: 8

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