CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING OF STAFF Proper training is the foundation of any effective and efficient organization. Judiciary employees enable New Jersey citizens and others to receive assistance in resolving their disputes in the New Jersey Courts. Everyone who works for the Judiciary has an important part to play in this process. Training staff to do things correctly the first time is essential. It is critical that employees receive training at the beginning of their career and that they continue to enhance their skills through ongoing training. The Organizational Development and Training (OD&T) unit of the AOC in conjunction with Vicinage training coordinators work together to offer development opportunities throughout the year that are beneficial to Judiciary employees while integrating the core values, mission and goals of the organization. Twice a year, OD&T publishes an online catalog that lists the various opportunities offered throughout the Judiciary. Each employee will have access to the online training catalog via the Judiciary Learning Management System (JLMS) desktop icon from a Judiciary PC. Request and approval for training will be automated via the JLMS. As a supervisor, you should ensure that your staff is properly trained and performing up to your expectations. If an employee is not meeting expectations, it will become necessary for you to begin the coaching and counseling process. Normally an instructive meeting will suffice to address the issue with the employee. In situations where there is no improvement, you will be required to proceed to counseling the employee and taking additional actions. It is important that you document all conversations and instances where an issue or problem exists. If the situation does not improve, please contact your supervisor or Human Resources for assistance. The first step to determine the training needs of your staff is to identify the key job responsibilities and to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform same. The next step is to determine any performance gaps and any areas in need of improvement so that these skills may be developed through on- the-job training, coaching / mentoring and formalized classroom training. Coaching and mentoring are essential to employee development and should happen on a regular basis. Do not wait until performance advisory time to discuss any training needs or deficiencies that may have occurred. Once a training need is identified, you should communicate with your employee prior to sending him or her to training. The following points should be discussed at this meeting: • Review the areas where improvement and/or development is needed; • Focus on any prior discussions you may have had regarding areas of improvement or development; • Review the course description and class objectives; • Explain your expectations as to how these objectives will benefit the employee and the team as a whole; and, • Set up a date for a post training follow-up meeting. At the follow-up meeting you should discuss these items: • A brief review of the materials that were covered; • Areas of training that your staff person found most beneficial; and, • How this new knowledge can be applied in the work place. Remember that training is an on-going process that never ends. There should be an opportunity for the employee to practice the skills learned. Encourage staff to continue to develop and to learn new skills that will in the end benefit your division. 16

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