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MANAGING & UNDERSTANDING STAFF’S LEAVE USAGE Employees’ leave time is credited at the beginning of each calendar year. A new hire will earn leave on a month-to-month basis. As a supervisor, it is your responsibility to approve leave time and ensure employees are using their time appropriately. Leave time should not be unreasonably denied provided it does not have a negative impact on the ability to meet the business needs of the unit. If at any time you suspect abuse of leave, contact your local Human Resources office. All Judiciary employees must report their work and leave time in eCATS (electronic cost accounting and timekeeping system) and certify to the accuracy of the report each pay period. As a supervisor, you must also approve your employees’ time sheets in eCATS at the conclusion of each pay period by the deadline established by your local human resources office. Leaves that must be managed effectively: Administrative Leave: may be used for personal business, including emergencies and religious observances. Administrative leave cannot be carried over from one year to another. Except in emergencies, administrative leave shall be scheduled with as much notice in advance as possible. Priority in granting such leave requests shall be: 1. Emergencies 2. Religious holidays 3. Personal matters Employees earn administrative leave as follows: • First calendar year of service - 1/2 day for each full month worked (up to 3 days/year) st • After 1 calendar year of service - 3 days/year Vacation Leave: Under normal circumstances, vacation shall be granted only with prior approval of the employee's supervisor or designee. Requests for vacation leave shall be submitted in writing as far in advance as possible, and normally not less than two weeks prior to the vacation leave. Requests that do not conflict with operational needs shall not be unreasonably denied. A new employee is entitled to one paid vacation leave day for the initial month of employment if he/she begins work on the 1st through the 8th day of the calendar month, one-half day if he/she begins on the 9th through the 23rd day of the month, and none if he/she begins work after the 23rd of the month. Every full-time employee, except for Court Executives, Judges Secretaries and Law Clerks, is entitled to earn vacation leave as follows: • First calendar year of service - 1 day/month worked • 1 through 5 years of service - 12 days/year • 6 through 12 years of service - 15 days/year • 13 through 20 years of service - 20 days/year • After 20 years of service - 25 days/year Court Executives and Judge’s Secretaries • First calendar year of service – 1.67 days/11.5 hours per for each full calendar month 10

FMLA/FLA Quick Guidance for Managers and Supervisors - Page 11 FMLA/FLA Quick Guidance for Managers and Supervisors Page 10 Page 12