SHOWMANSHIP 1. Parent assisted under 8 - ribbons 2. Under 8 independent - ribbons 3. 9-12 years - $2 entry 4. 13-18 years - $2 entry SHOW ORDER 1. Showmanship 2. Market Class 3. Breed Type a. Wether Type b. ….then book order 3 T N E *Showmanship sign-up 8:00 am - 8:50 am day of show M *Market lambs and Wether type not eligible for Supreme T *Market lambs must be housed on the grounds R A P E D ENTRY BOOK: ENTRY BOOK 27 — WOOL SHOW RULES: 1. Entry fee is $.50 per fleece. 2. 2 fleece per breed. 3. Each fleece marked by breed. 4. Premiums for each breed. 5. All fleece must be in place by Sunday, August 18, 2024 by 8:00 pm. JUDGING: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 9:00 am PREMIUMS: 1st = $4; 2nd = $3; 3rd = $2; 4th = $1 CLASSES: 1. Southdown 9. Columbia 2. Corriedales 10. Suffolk 3. Dorsets 11. Shropshire 4. Montdales 12. Cheviot 5. Oxfords 13. All Other Breeds 6. Hampshire 14. Black Fleece 7. Rambouillet 15. Grand Champion Fleece 8. Merino 59