. ENTRY BOOK 84 - ARTS & CRAFTS PLEASE SEE PAGE 123 FOR ENTRY INFORMATION THAT APPLIES TO ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRING IN EXHIBITS: Saturday, August 17, 2024 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Sunday, August 18, 2024 1:00 pm-5:00 pm JUDGING: Sunday, August 18, 2024 6:00 pm RULES: 1. One entry can be made in each class. 2. No entry can use more than 24” in any direction except in specified classes. 3. A last year blue ribbon entry cannot be exhibited. 4. Entries should be made by the exhibitor. 5. No entries may contain the name or business name of the entrant - any such marking will result in disqualification. PREMIUMS: 1st = $3.00; 2nd = $2.00; 3rd = $1.00 1. Scrapbooking - decorated scrapbook pages in book 2. 3-D Printing, one item, maximum 18” any direction 3. Gift Wrapping, Bridal 4. Painting on Rock/Stone 5. Duct Tape Creation - WATCH SIZE 6. Diamond Dots, one item, maximum 28” any direction 7. Decoupage on Slate/Wood 8. Square Handmade Reed Basket, with or without handles 9. Standing Holiday Decoration (no Christmas) 10. Gift Wrapping, Holiday 11. Painting on Glass 12. Handcrafted Jewelry, any media 13. Dollar Store Craft - attach sales receipt 14. Oil/Tole Decorative Painting on Slate/Wood 15. Upcycle Craft - giving something a new use - WATCH SIZE - 18 and under years of age 16. Upcycle Craft - as above - over 18 years of age 17. Hanging Holiday Decoration 18. Leather and/or Beadwork 19. Potpourri, one arts/crafts item you have made and want to share - WATCH SIZE CAREFULLY - over 18 years of age 20. Gift Wrapping, Mother’s Day 21. Any Other Shape Handmade Reed Basket, with or without handles, i.e. oblong- 0 step 1 22. Decorated Wine Bottle (one only) T 23. Handmade Christmas Tree Ornament (one only) N E 24. Plastic Canvas Coasters M 25. Cricut Craft, maximum 18” any direction T 26. Gift Wrapping, Father’s Day R 27. Miniature Handmade Reed Basket, under 6” A 28. Handmade Greeting Card/Stationery, 6 pieces, with envelopes P 29. Wall Sign - rigged to hang E D 30. Stenciling on any Media, i.e. wood, cloth, basket 31. T-Shirt Art - one shirt on hanger 32. Painting on China 33. Furnished Miniature Room/Stand 34. Painting on Hand Saw, including crosscut, circular (any size) 35. Paint by Number, over 18 years of age 142